"Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus!"
I love journaling in my hymnal, because music has always been a vital part of my Christian experience. I can remember song lyrics much better than scripture (unless they too are put to music). The hymns I grew up singing are powerfully etched into my memory. I grew up going to very small churches where even as an early-teen, I was often called upon to lead the congregation in singing these hymns. I therefore came to know most of the songs in the hymnal fairly well. As a matter of fact, when it came to the part of the service where special music was supposed to take place, the speaker might look to me--if there was nothing scheduled--and say, "Sister Julie, do you have something you can share with us today?" I would look to my mother, who happened to be my ready-made accompanist, and we would quickly flip open the hymnal, and respond with a semi-confident, "Sure!" I'd then stand up from my seat, walk to the front, and then stand before the church and proclaim His faithfulness through word and song. Sometimes this annoyed me. Other times it amused me. Later, I realize how it actually equipped and empowered me to be the speaker, teacher and worship leader that I am today.
The team of George Duffield and Adam Geibel wrote this hymn in 1858. The words to the second stanza are particularly powerful:
Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
Stand in His strength alone;
The arm of flesh will fail you,
Ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the gospel armor,
Each piece put on with prayer;
Where duty calls or danger,
Be never wanting there.
We can only stand up for Jesus through His power. We cannot trust our own power ("the arm of flesh") because it will fail us. We must put on the "gospel armor" with "prayer" and face any duty or danger He calls us to--but His power and strength will never fail us. I've had to claim His power and strength many times in my life as I've had to stand up for Him in more difficult situations than impromptu hymn sings. But I can honestly say He has never failed me!

I chose to create a mixed media page for this hymn. I used the stamp sets Be a Flamingo, Texture Tiles 1, Bitty Minnie Alpha, and Skinny Minnie Alpha. I began by stamping the flamingo, masking it, then stamping the mesh texture around it. After that, I watercolored the page in various bright colors. I then stamped the title words and the leaves. I added some acrylic paint with bubble wrap, texture stamps, and a paint card. I finished this page with some flamingo washi, two varying shades of pink bows, and a smaller stamped flamingo.
What a fun page for a powerful song. This standing flamingo image reminds me of moments when I would stand and sing this hymn, and others like it, for God's great glory and purpose.
You can see my other projects over on Instagram @julesk.jewels, YouTube at Jules Jewels, or my blog at Julesjewels.blog. Thanks for joining me today!
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