For the word of God is living and active,
sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing to the division of soul and of spirit,
of joints and of marrow,
and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
There is so much I love about the Word of God. It speaks to the deepest part of me and is always relevant. It opens the door of my heart to see and know God, to be known by Him. It is sweet; it is hard; it is powerful; it is tender; it is helpful, comforting, challenging, convicting. It is all of these but of the list of descriptors that mean so much to me, it is the fact that it is living that amazes me most. It distinguishes itself from any other book, even deeply moving theologically profound books. No other book is living, is organic and consistently, constantly dynamic. What gives it life and exactly what does that mean?
In John, chapter one we learn that, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The term "word" is different in John and Hebrews. The Word is "the Logos," is complex but refers to the person of Jesus. The term "word" in Hebrews refers not to Christ, but to God's written, recorded and inspired word...the Bible. The Bibles we hold in our hands are obviously not breathing, growing--not in the sense as defines life. Yet it IS alive, and it IS active. God's word is alive because it brings perpetuates spiritual life was giving life by the breath of the Holy Spirit. It brings real, supernatural transformation in the living soul of the human who accepts it as truth. "Faith comes from hearing [or reading] the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ," (Romans 10:17). It brings life and vitality, light and salvation. It is not powerless, but has the power to save.

As we come to the Word of God for the life it can give, we find it renders much to feed our spirit. It is a sword; it is strength; it is a foundation for living our lives; it is absolute truth; it contains the only gospel of Christ; it points to Christ--our peace and our salvation. I'm so very grateful that God prepared my heart as a twelve year old girl to receive the Word...and thereby trust its Author. God's Word led me to Him...and He is my all in all.

I'm grateful each and every day that I have the living and active Word of God at my disposal. I cannot imagine not having a Bible. That's why it's so important for those of us who do to read it and to hide it in our hearts, to share it with others. I've known several people who have owned Bibles but never read them. Others give cursory attention but depend mostly on someone else to preach or teach from it. Some think they know scriptures from platitudes they hear literally on the street and take such triteness as truth. The only way God's Word can bring your spirit alive is to take it in and let the Holy Spirit do His transforming work through it.
God's Word is my sure foundation. It is the one absolutely trustworthy thing on which I can stake my life...because it reveals my faithful, totally trustworthy Father.
Design Details:
I just added a little more color to the page (100 Days of Bible Promises Devotion Book by Shanna Noel/Illustrated Faith with gelatos and a water-brush. I drew a simple sketch of a Bible then added stamps to the central image and words over the pages.
Doves of Peace
Mighty Fortress
Armor of God