"From of old no one has heard
or perceived by the ear,
no eye has seen a God besides you,
who acts for those who wait for him."
Isaiah 64:4
Waiting is hard. Our human nature, the way our minds often work, presupposes that waiting means inactivity. When we are waiting, something is not being done. And most of the time waiting means our inability to control what we want to happen. We think waiting means the situation isn't going to be fixed in the way we think it should...and certainly not in the time frame we desire. Waiting is hard.
God has something powerful in his word about waiting. In this verse, we see two things about God: 1) nothing, absolutely nothing comes close to the power God wields; 2) God acts with that power on behalf of those who wait upon him.
"From of old no one has heard
or perceived by the ear,
no eye has seen a God besides you,
who acts for those who wait for him."
Isaiah 64:4
We cannot even conceive or imagine the power God possesses, but He has promised to harness all than power and bring it to bear upon people of faith who in trust wait upon him to act for them. So for the fervent believer, waiting is far from inactivity. It is trusting, it is surrender, it is freedom from worry, it is confidence in a the power of God. Waiting can be a time of deep worship, ground-shaking prayer, a time of remember how God has acted on our behalf in the past. Waiting upon God to act is FAR from inactivity. It is in itself one of the engaging activities in our spiritual developing. When we wait, we are growing, deepening our faith, and we are releasing the limitations of our human frailties and opening wide the door for God's power. We cannot conceive or imagine what God is about to do in our circumstances. When we wait, we wait for God's perfect timing and we wait for his miracles to occur.

While we wait, God is building a highway before us, he is clearing obstacles in our path. If we run headlong before him, taking matters in our own hands to fix our situation, we will trip and stumble over the stones he would have removed for us in his timing.
The world repeats humanistic messages.... "You are strong, you can do it," "Take care of yourself first," "No one else will do it, if you don't" "Strength and competence lies within you," "You are the master of your destiny." "Create your own life, you deserve it." On and on we are told in numerous ways every day...YOU are in control. Nothing could be farther from the truth and if we are all honest with ourselves it only takes ONE day in our lives to prove that we are simply not in control. We are not in control because the Master of the Universe, the REAL master of our destiny will never relinquish his control. He will let rebellious people go their own way toward destruction if they are literally hell-bent to be master of their destiny. The abyss of the absence of God is their destiny if they live apart from the God to whom no one compares.

God acts for those who wait upon him, who surrender to his will and his power, who trust in his ability to bring about the perfect outcome. His perfect outcome may not seem perfect. But in the end, if we turn it over to him he will bring all things together for our good--. "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose," Romans 8:28.
Do you need something to happen? Pray, trust, wait. God will act for you if you wait upon him.
Design Details: The background is a simple watercolor wash. I used stamps and stencils for lettering and texture and the July printable, Go God's Way, for the images.
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