Friday, July 27, 2018

Make an Impact

The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. Exodus 1:17

Dear Friends,

Many of us know this story in Exodus 1. Pharaoh ordered the Israelite baby boys to be killed upon birth because he felt threatened by the Israelites. Two midwives are remembered in God's Word, Shiphrah and Puah, because they chose God over Pharaoh. Verse 17 tells us that they "feared" God. That doesn't mean they were scared of God. It means that they had such reverence, respect and awe for Him that it impacted how they lived their lives. They obeyed Him and worshiped Him through their actions of saving those baby boys. We are called to do the same. Live in a way that shows our reverence, our respect, our awe of God. We are called to be God-fearing too. What does that look like for me? For you? For me, it means that I try to live my life in the way Jesus would. I'm constantly asking myself "How would Jesus respond to this situation?" And to be honest, sometimes I'm not sure! We live in a much different world than the world of biblical times. And there's a lot of gray areas. So, I pray. I go to His Word. And I try to live in a way that will make an impact and draw others to Him. I'm not always successful, of course. But, I want to be like Shiphrah and Puah.

Page details! I used the following Sweet n Sassy Stamps sets: Sunshine Girl Alpha, Script Outline Alpha, Girl Power, and Texture Tiles 1.

This page is in my interleaved Bible which has blank pages between every page of Scripture. I had journaled on the back side of this page. So, I used acrylic paints to cover this side of the page. The acrylic paints cover any bleed through/shadowing from the other side and act as a barrier for any bleed through/shadowing from this side. I painted the page with acrylic paints and stamped once it was good and dry. If you're using acrylic paint, make sure to let it dry well before stamping as the stamps can actually pull the paint up off the page if it's not dry enough- even when it's dry to the touch. When stamping on acrylic paint, I use Archival ink made by Ranger because the ink remains crisp on the paint (pigment inks tend to bleed and blur on acrylic paint). I colored in the script alpha with a black brush pen, and highlighted the letters with a white Sharpie pen.
 Have a good week, my friends! Andrea


  1. Love this entry and your post. What a brave thing these midwives did! May I also live with that reverence. Thanks for sharing!
