Jesus said to them, "I am the Bread of Life;
he who comes to Me will not hunger,
and he who believes in Me will never thirst." John 6:35
Hi Friends!!
So, I have to say, I LOOOOVE me some donuts. When I saw this new set, Donut Worry, I just had to have it! And, I wanted to have some fun with it. I needed some donuts in my Bible! LOL
More importantly, I LOOOOOVE me some Jesus! And He is the Bread of Life. Why does He call Himself that? Bread is basic food; and people can survive quite a while on just bread and water. In fact, in the time frame Jesus was on earth, most people primarily lived on bread and water. He was giving the people who were listening (and eventually reading) an illustration they could relate to. When He said He is the Bread of Life, He was saying that He is essential for life. He gave us physical life. But He also gives us spiritual life- and we can only get that through Him! When we come to Jesus and believe in Him, take Him as our Savior, we are filled with His Spirit and take on His righteousness. We will never be spiritually hungry or thirsty again because He indwells the believer! We have such an amazing God!
The people who were following Jesus, were looking for a free meal. He had just miraculously fed thousands of people. And Jesus knew what they wanted. But He wanted more for them. And He wanted them to see that He could do so much more than just physically feed them. And He wants the same for us. Donuts may taste good. But they leave us unsatisfied and wanting more. Jesus satisfies in a way nothing else can. He fills that hole in our souls and leads us to life.Thank You, Lord Jesus!
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As I mentioned above, I absolutely love this new Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps set Donut Worry! Through Sept. 30, 2019, it is FREE with a $75 order! I also used Mini Grunge Type Alpha. I love alpha sets and SNSS has many to choose from! I wanted to put the donuts in a box, so I searched "donut box drawing" online and found an image I liked. Then I sized the image to what I wanted on the page and traced it through the page. That's one positive thing about thin Bible pages, it makes it easy to trace! Then I stamped the donuts inside the box and used a Micron pen to shadow. I used watercolor crayons and alpha stickers too.

Have a great week, friends! Enjoy a donut while studying God's Word! Andrea
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