If we are living in the light of God's presence,
just as Christ does, we have wonderful fellowship
and joy with each other.
1 John 1:7
Though this page was unplanned for the purpose I now see in it, my two page spread makes a perfect last post as a design team member of Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps and Creative Worship. I've shared with owner, Korin Sutherland, and all the other design team members my reasons for stepping down. I can already see ways God is blessing that decision. A brief background, and then on to the real post. Recently, my 92 year old mother decided to permanently live with my husband and me. I'm so grateful she is well enough to engage in life and our extended family. While her care is minimal, it is still requires time and energy. Simultaneously, I'm about to start homeschooling my preschool grandson, Lukas. Two very important people in my life who deserve my time, care and focused attention. I believe with all my heart God has appointed these tasks to me. And I believe He has prepared my heart to relinquish this much loved position on the SNSS/CW design team. He is not tearing it away from me. He is blessing me as I joyfully submit to closing this chapter and beginning a new one. As I look forward, I want to pause and share with you why the blessing of fellowship with sisters in Christ is so sweet and so vital.

Being on this design team has blessed me in so many ways, but the primary blessing lies in our shared foundation...Jesus. Each of us has a passion to serve Him and to share Him through our creative efforts. Most people don't get a glimpse of the tender and sweet moments we share together behind the scenes. We have laughed together, cried together and prayed earnestly for one another. We have indeed had a wonderful, precious fellowship and we take joy in one another. Because of Christ, this bond, this fellowship cannot be broken. I'm not saying goodbye to these sisters. How could I? We will spend eternity together! I'm dating myself, but does anyone remember the iconic romance movie of 1970, Love Story, with Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal? There was a line in the story that was actually quite vacuous, "Love means never having to say you're sorry." That could be another post. I have a better one. "Being in Christ means never having to say goodbye."
My days will be filled with other tasks now, and while I will still do scripture art, I will not do it on a schedule. I'll take a bit of a different path from my precious sisters, but we will remain in fellowship with one another. Because that's how fellowship with other believers works. That's why maintaining the health and harmony of our fellowship is vitally important to Christ. We are a part of His Church, His Bride and we must protect the gift of fellowship. In the 100 Days of Bible Promises and this two-page spread, there are some powerful scriptures listed encouraging this very thought.

I also love what author Shanna Noel shared, "When your soul strings are tied with other Jesus lovers and prayer warriors, you body, mind and spirit develop an impenetrable shield that keeps hope alive and tells Satan to take a dive." Isn't that sweet!? My soul strings are definitely tied to the sisters in this design team. I'm so grateful to God for the opportunity, the gift to exalt the name of the Lord with them through Creative Worship. What an honor it has been to promote this Christ-based business and Korin who is more than a forever-friend.

If you are in a church built on New Testament truth, you are in a wonderful fellowship...one ordained by God as the Bride of Christ. In our fellowships, we should be concerned for one another, promote love and harmony and encourage each other in faith and good works. We should not abandon that fellowship, but should commit to it, to participate and serve and enjoy corporate worship. Again, Shanna said it well, "Making church a priority is, well, a priority. So keep going."
As I close this last post here on this blog, I'm not saying goodbye to you either. I will continue creating and posting in several FB groups including Creative Worship, on Instagram (@dianesdaydreamdesigns) and on my personal FB page. I will delight in seeing what my sisters on this team and what you create as well. May we simple continue to enjoy this special and very sweet fellowship of creative worshipers we've come to love so much.
Sets Used:
Girl Power 2
Typewriter Block Alpha
Texture Tiles 1
Fruits of the Spirit