Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:3-4
Good morning, friends!
Do you delight in Jesus? Does He tickle you pink? He should! When you really think about our amazing God and all He has done for us, how He pursues us, how He loves us, He deserves our trust, our delight. Sometimes, I think we begin to take Jesus and what He did for granted because we've heard and read the stories so many times. But, when I think about it- really think about it- what He's done for me, for us, is indescribable. Jesus left His heavenly throne to come to earth as a man. He became what He had created. Can you imagine? I can't. He's God. Human words can't even describe Him, and He was willing to become a man. And not only was He willing to leave His rightful glory and throne to become a man, He did it KNOWING that He would be dying on a cross for us. And that brings us to the cross. Jesus knowingly and willingly went to the cross. It wasn't a surprise. It didn't just happen. He chose to allow it to happen. At any point of time, He could have stopped it. He's God. He has control over everything. But, He didn't stop it. Instead, He came to this earth as a helpless baby. He lived without much means. He didn't have a permanent home as an adult. He didn't have a lot of material goods. He wasn't like the other kings and "important" people with their palaces and rich living. Then He allowed Himself to be mistreated, physically and emotionally abused, and killed by the people He had created. So, if anyone or anything deserves our delight, IT IS HIM. And yet, so often, we delight not in him, but in things of this world. We allow the world to entice us and give up the true riches of pursuing God completely. So, I'm challenging myself to truly delight in Jesus. To make Him my priority. To pursue and seek Him in all things. And I invite you to that challenge too!
I had fun with this page using Sweet n Sassy Stamps sets: Be a Flamingo, Texture Tiles 1, 2, and 4, and Bitty Minnie Alpha. I also used watercolor crayons for the background.

Today is Sweet n Sassy Stamps' 11th birthday!
We're celebrating all month with promotions. From now through 11/14/18, you can get free shipping on all orders! Don't miss out!
Have a blessed week, my friends! Andrea
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