Hey guys!
It's Deeds, just
LOVING the support I've seen in the Creative Worship Facebook page! I have been amazed at the community of loving
believers in this place, and I am so thankful to be a part of it! Aren't you?? :D
It's the week of
Thankfulness! It's Turkey time! It's gather and chatter 'bout whatever may
matter time! I just made that up ;D What do YOU have planned for the
holiday? Family coming in to town? Are YOU the family coming into town? Are you a student going to a host
family? Are you the family that goes out
to eat at a restaurant rather than cookin' the good ol' turkey and fillin's?
Wherever you are,
whatever you do, whoever you find yourself with, thankfulness is not
I'm learning a lot
about it, and let me tell you, I need to fill my heart with that above the
overabundance of a turkey dinner!
Today, I'm working
out of Esther. My home church has been
studying through this book for the last few weeks, under the leadership of
Pastor Kyle. There's SO much (of course)
that I did NOT realize about this book, and there's one thing that causes it to
stand out as unique to all other books of the Bible: no mention of God - AT
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Stamps used inlcude Texture Tile 2, Just Say Jesus, Women of Praise, Sunshine Girl Alpha, and Outline Script Alpha |
I LOVE this book! I think it may be my favorite at this time. The Holy Spirit has opened my eyes (and my heart) to just how divinely orchestrated the series of events truly are! It's so amazing! I'll share the link to the sermon series below so you will be sure to check it out! WOAH!!
Week 5, we're leaning in on chapter 5 of Esther. There's crazy talk all over the place. I think it's interesting the relatable history in this whole story of Mordecai, Esther and Haman. Haman gets the spotlight - a really dingy, horrible, no good spotlight. He is TOTALLY human. Totally insane. Totally insecure.
What you see in my entry is the phrase, "Thankful people understand grace." Thankful people know their identity is not in their money, clothes, position, passion, or possessions. Thankful people know that God is the giver of all things. Thankful people know passionate humility, not insecure entitlement.
This hit home. I've found myself countless times on the end of entitlement - AAAHHHH, I HATE that word. And to think that day after day, in some way or another I forget. I forget to whom I owe my identity, my worship, my allegiance, my everything. I forget to be thankful and in doing so, I forget about grace.
The amazing grace of God.
The grace that saved a wretch like me.
The grace that found me in my sin and shame and brought me into light and life!
Grace, grace. God's grace. Thank you God for grace. Help me, Lord, to only be thankful! To see myself rightly as a pauper that brings nothing to the table. To see Jesus as the substance of my being.
In His name, I pray, Amen.
Much love,
PS - don't forget
that this month is a special month full of discounts and deals on the Sweet 'n'
Sassy website. Below are the November
releases and the link to the shop! Happy
Thankful November!
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