Do not revile the king even in your thoughts, or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird in the sky may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say. Ecclesiastes 10:20
Dear Friends,
We live in a time where atrocities seem to happen almost daily. Our world and our country seem out of control. We know this is not how God wants us to live. We know this is not His way. We know many things that are playing out in the world are in direct opposition to His Word. So it's easy to criticize our government and those in authority. It's easy to criticize and even gossip about others. This last verse in Ecclesiastes 10 warns us not to criticize, not to gossip because "a little birdie told me." As believers, we need to be careful what we say and what we post because you never know who may be listening or reading. We are to share Christ with the world. Sharing Him starts with love, not criticism.
Personally, I struggle with complaining, with criticizing. Instead I should be trusting God and praying. And I should be loving others. And through that love, others may be drawn to Christ. That's how we can change this out of control world. Love. I'm praying for all affected by the shooting in Texas yesterday. And I'm praying for our country and the world. But I'm also trusting in Him. He is in control. And that is where our hope lies!
For the page, I used the following Sweet n Sassy Stamps: For the Birds, Mini Grunge Type Alpha, Skinny Lowercase Alpha.

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Have a blessed week! Andrea
Sweetness overload, Andrea! This is so cute...and once again displays your amazing sense of creativity beautifully expressed through your artwork. Love it.