Sunday, January 24, 2021
Be Glad
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Who is this???
Hi friends,
I think sometimes there is a danger that the longer we follow Christ, and the more familiar we are with Scripture, we may lose some of our awe and wonder at the things Jesus did as recorded in the Gospels. One example of this is the account of Jesus rebuking the storm when the disciples were terrified that they would perish due to the fierce wind and waves crashing into their boat. In a situation of great danger, Jesus not only was able to sleep, but also spoke with such authority to the wind and the waves that they immediately obeyed him.
Can you imagine the awe and astonishment that the disciples must have felt at that moment? But here's the interesting thing: Jesus asked them "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?" It seems that he expected them to expect him for miraculous intervention and protection. His power and authority over nature shouldn't have come as a surprise but as an expected result of faith. We can see in the disciples' response that they hadn't quite figured out who Jesus was yet. They knew him as a rabbi who taught with wisdom and authority. They knew him as a healer who made the lame walk. They knew him as one who could feed the multitudes with a few loaves and fish. They knew him as one with authority over demons, who cast them out with a word. But in the face of his power over the storm, they ask, "Who is this?"
Even though most of us haven't been in a physical boat which was in danger of sinking, I'm sure we can think of times when we felt in danger, or overwhelmed by a storm in our lives. We may know Jesus as our teacher, our healer, our provider and our deliverer, but there are always more ways in which Jesus wants to reveal himself to us. It may be that we feel overwhelmed by the storms we face in life right now and we are afraid, and wonder where God is in all of this. Has he fallen asleep? Does he care? We know the answer to these questions when we look at Jesus. In the midst of the storm, Jesus wants to demonstrate his power and love to us in new ways. He may calm the storm swirling around us, or he may calm the storm within us, but let's not doubt that he has the power to calm the storms.
I created a background with acrylic paints on this page and used Peace be Still to stamp the waves, wind and boat (I stamped the boat on watercolour card then coloured and cut it out and stuck it over the painted and stamped background). I used the new Lollipop Alpha to stamp the question, and stamped the scripture verse stamp from Peace be Still underneath. Here are the sets I used:
Let's continue to look at Jesus with awe and wonder, believing that he has the power and authority to calm whatever storm we may be facing, and knowing that he is in the boat with us.
Thursday, January 21, 2021
"For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost." (Luke 19:10)
We find this quote from Jesus at the end of one of the most beloved and well-known Bible stories: Zaccheus. It’s a story of seeking and saving. Zaccheus sought Jesus by climbing a tree so he could see the Savior pass by. Jesus sought out Zaccheus, stopping in front of the tree, and invited Himself to his home. Not worrying about what the pharisaical crowd thought of His mingling with “sinners”, Jesus exclaimed that His purpose on this earth was to “seek and save the lost.”
Brothers and Sisters, we are sinners, and Jesus has sought us out in order to save us! Praise God! I am a sinner set free, just as Zaccheus and his entire family were saved and set free. When we open our hearts to His love, seeking Him diligently and whole-heartedly, Jesus enters our lives with His saving power. And just as Jesus sought for sinners to save, so must we have the heart to seek and save the lost. There are so many people around us that are lost, and in need of Jesus: family members, neighbors, co-workers, friends, perhaps even our spouses or children. And then there are the countless lost souls in our communities, cities, and around the world. The more we seek and encounter Jesus in our daily lives, the more we’ll be equipped and ready and passionate about seeking the lost. Our job is to seek them, and then love them with the Gospel and share its simple truth. God's job is to do the saving, nor ours.
I created this Bible journaling page with several stamp sets, spray inks, and watercolor pencils. First I stamped the words and images on my page, masking the people off so the color wouldn’t cover them. Some of the color seeped through though, but I didn’t mind too much. Next, I spritzed and splattered the sprays onto the page, using water to activate and blend the colors. After I dried the background, I used watercolor pencils to color the people and the hearts. Finally, I added some detailing with a white pen. I love vibrant colors, and the shimmery shine of these paints makes my heart happy!
Monday, January 18, 2021
Don't Look Back

Page Details

Sunday, January 10, 2021
God Already Knows
For your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask Him. Matthew 6:8b
Hi Friends!
There seems to be no end to the chaos and craziness that is this world. I came across a song by JJ Heller called You Already Know (Click the song title to hear the song.) It was her response to Covid and the shut down last spring. And I related to so much of what she says in her song.
Here are the lyrics:
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Judge, Lawgiver and King
Hi friends,
Little did I know when I started creating this page earlier this week, that it would be so timely in the light of the events that have unfolded. I feel compelled to write what I am sharing today in the hope that it will challenge all of us, much like the prophet Isaiah challenged the people of Israel in his day. In Isaiah 33:22, the prophet declares, "For the LORD is our judge; the LORD is our lawgiver; the LORD is our king; he will save us." Let's look at these three roles/titles and think about how we should live in the light of this truth today.
Secondly, the Lord is our lawgiver. This follows on naturally from the Lord as Judge because he can perfectly judge according to his perfect law. When I was creating this page, one of the last things I did was add the heart stickers, and their placement was aesthetic rather than anything related to the scripture. But when I took these photos, I noticed the place of the heart next to 'the Lord is our lawgiver' and was reminded of the most important law that God has given us: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. (Matthew 22:37-40; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 10:27-28). This made me wonder whether we have forsaken this law - the royal law of love (James 2:8) - because of other laws that we have become worried or obsessed about. What if we lived each day in the knowledge that as our Judge and Lawgiver, the Lord says that the most important law is to love God and love our neighbor. How would that change the way we interact with others, particularly those we disagree with? How would that change the way we evaluate the fruit on display in our leaders? How would that change our approach to voting, and to either victory or defeat?
Thursday, January 7, 2021
All Things New
"And He who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' Also He said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'” (Revelation 2:5)
We've had one week of 2021 now. We all hoped that 2020 was behind us, and that 2021 would bring some normalcy back. But this year is already starting with craziness and chaos. The events of this week have pushed back any idea that life would get back to normal. But God never promised us "normal" and problem-free living. He only promised to be with us in whatever we face. When life is too normal, we get too comfortable and complacent. I don't know about you, but 2020 taught me to keep more focused on things above, because things of this world were just too depressing and worrisome.
Revelation 2:5 promises us that God is making all things new, even if 2021 isn't the answer, and of course it isn't. The Bible tells us that this world will only get more challenging as we suffer its sin-sick consequences, and expectantly wait for the Second Coming. But that day is coming, and THEN He will make all things new. No more Covid-19, no more masks, no more sickness and death. No more political division, no more social and financial instability, and no more racial unrest. God will make a perfectly problem-free world where we can dwell with Him forever. Until that time, though, we must hold to His promises and His gain strength from His word.
I created this page while I was at a camp with my family for the New Year's weekend. Getting back to nature is always restorative and renewing for me, and that's just what this time away provided for me. Camp Kulaqua is in north Florida, and the weather was typical Florida-winter mild. The leaves crunched under my feet as I walked outside in the woods. On two separate occasions, I saw a group of seven young deer. Their spotted backs and small size spoke of a newness and innocence. How trusting these sweet fawn were as they eyed me from behind the trees.Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Unseen Blessings
I have a confession to make, I have been in a creative funk lately. Ever been in one of those? Well maybe not creatively but we all find ourselves in a funk now and again, where we have just seemed to lose our motivation or inspiration for a little while. I don't know if it's been the busy of the Christmas season or what, but I've been struggling to get it back.
But what I have found helps is just sitting down with some paint and stamps and just play! I wasn't sure where I was going with this when I started, but I put on my worship music and just started playing. While I was scraping paint on a piece of yardstick in this binder clip junk journal I created a few months ago, this song "Blessings You Can't See" came on.
It got me thinking as I continued journaling. Just think of ALL the things that have been blessings in our lives that we don't even know about! Most people try to count their blessings especially when you're in a hard time and trying to remain grateful. But what about all the quiet unseen blessings we don't even know about?!
I know one thing I am really grateful for the unanswered prayers I said in high school! Back when I thought I knew what I was doing and what was best for me. But those unanswered prayers turned out to be blessings. I didn't know what I needed, but God did. And he strategically removed people from my life to protect my future.
And how about all the things that never happened to you but COULD have?! For example, I was stopped at a traffic light one afternoon after getting lunch with my kids. The light turned green but I hadn't moved yet because I was checking to make sure I didn't leave my wallet behind. By the time I looked up and saw the light had turned green, a truck came barreling through the red light right in front of us. Had I not stopped to check my purse, our car would have been in the intersection when that truck ran a red light, and either smashed into my door or my daughters. It took a moment to sink in, but I realized what COULD have happened!! A huge blessing that I almost didn't notice. I have no doubt God put that thought in my head that caused me to pause at that light before going. It could have changed our lives forever!
So when you count your blessings at night, try to not forget about the quiet unseen blessings. God is always working behind the curtain. His hand is in everything.
Stephanie Gammon