Thus I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity;
I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud
and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless. Isaiah 13:11
Dear Friends,
Isaiah 13 is a prophecy against Babylon. It was historically fulfilled when the Medes conquered Babylon. But, this prophecy has dual fulfillment when it will ultimately be fulfilled during the tribulation and Christ's return.
This chapter speaks of the actual city of Babylon. But Babylon is also used as a symbol for sin and rebellion in the Bible. Our world is full of sin. Sadly, sin is even celebrated in today's world. It can be quite discouraging to look at what our nation and world has become. It often looks like sin is winning, and along with it, Satan.
But God.
God is sovereign over all. And ultimately, He wins. All sin will be overcome. In Jesus, sin has already been overcome for all believers. We have eternal life with Jesus Christ right now! That is such refreshing news. Our sins were conquered when Jesus died on the cross and then rose from the grave. Eventually, God will deal with all sin. Believers will be judged in Christ and found righteous. Unbelievers will be judged in sin and will have to face an eternity without God. So, sin never wins. But, we must, as believers, share Jesus' love and truth with all we meet so that they may be drawn into His forgiveness and salvation. So that God can win in their lives.
Don't be discouraged, dear friends. Know that God is working His purpose in all things. And we know how the story ends. God wins!
Page Details: I used the following Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps sets: Art Deco Alpha and School Days Alpha. For the background, I used a sunshine stencil and distress oxides. Verse 10 speaks of the sun, moon and stars being darkened. So that's why I blended the dark blue into the yellow. I used a Micron pen to color in the Art Deco Alpha.

And you have a few more days to enjoy the birthday discount. Don't miss out!
Have a blessed week! Andrea
This is fabulous! What a powerful post and gorgeous page. Very encouraging. Love your color transitions! Words, art... you paired them perfectly!