Sunday, April 25, 2021
God is Enough
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Gold, Jewels, or Lips...
Hi friends,
Proverbs has a lot to say about knowledge and wisdom, and the message running throughout this book is that we are to get wisdom, get knowledge, and to prize them above so many other things which might capture our attention or love. In Proverbs 20:15 we are told that there may be an abundance of gold and precious stones, but knowledgeable lips are a rare treasure.
This is interesting to reflect upon on a number of levels. The first is to ask whether we genuinely believe this. We tend to seek after wealth or beauty more readily than we seek after knowledge or wisdom (think about the way we use our time and money, which indicates what we think is valuable). But God says that knowledgeable lips are rarer and more valuable than the most costly gems and precious metals. The second thing to ponder is how we seek after knowledge and wisdom. Do we value it enough to spend time and money on pursuing it? Do we seek out the knowledge and wisdom of those who have taken the time to study and spend time with God over a long and consistent period of time? Or are we too easily entertained by social media and television to be hungry for knowledge?
Thirdly, are we seeking to cultivate our own lips so they are filled with knowledge and wisdom to bless and encourage others? Are our lips filled with our opinions or with God's Word? Are our lips pouring out the fruit of knowledge grown in study and worship, or are they pouring out criticism and complaint? Let's choose to value, listen to, and cultivate knowledgeable lips over gold, gems, or any other shiny thing the world may offer us.
I used a bunch of sets on this page and lots of different mediums, including watercolour (to colour the owl), coloured pencils (to colour the gems), acrylic paint (for the background) and Nuvo Mousse (for stencilling). The stamp sets I used are Owl Be There, Worthy King, Lollipop Alpha, Playful Alpha, Print Blocks Alpha, Marker Alpha, and Note This. I also used the Delightfully Delicate stencil and Rise & Shine stencil.
Be blessed as you treasure the truly important gift of knowledgeable lips.
x Amy x
Monday, April 19, 2021
Is your soul thirsty for the Lord?
Psalm 63:1-3

Page Details
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Jesus Sang
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Desert into Pools...
Hi friends,
Psalm 107:35 declares of the Lord that "He turns a desert into pools of water, a parched land into springs of water."
I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like in the last year there have been some pretty dry, desert-like patches of life. Whether it is the isolation resulting from the pandemic, stresses and strains in close relationships, lack of ability to worship together as usual, or any other number of factors, sometimes life just feels dry. We can do the things we have always done and there doesn't seem to be the same life in them. We all go through these times - no one is exempt, not even Jesus. He was led in the wilderness for forty days, just as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years. But even in these dry and thirsty places, there is hope, because we serve a God who turns deserts into pools of water and who brings springs of water in the middle of a parched land.
It is interesting that a few verses before this one, the psalmist says that God also turns rivers into desert (v.33). You see, God can and does do both. Sometimes he brings dry seasons into our lives for a reason, whether as discipline, a test, or an opportunity for growth. Just because we are in a dry season, doesn't mean that we have done something wrong (that may be the case, but we have to search our hearts and ask the Holy Spirit rather than assume). And it doesn't mean that God has abandoned us. He is there with us in the dry seasons, and we can cling onto hope that he will bring rain again, at the right time.
I used a combination of the new Thirsty Soul set (that has coordinating dies!) along with the older set Refresh My Soul to create the cacti. I stamped them on watercolour card, coloured and cut out, then glued onto the background that I had painted in my Journaling Psalter with acrylic paints. I used a combination of other sets for the text: Rebecca Script Alpha, Living Water, Bitty Minnie Alpha, and Messy Stamped Alpha.
I pray that God would turn the dry places of our lives in pools of refreshing water, and I also pray that while we are still in the dry places, we would rely on the presence of the Holy Spirit to strengthen us and help us to grow.
Be blessed...
x Amy x
Thursday, April 8, 2021
My Defender
My prayer is that you can allow Jesus to be your great Defender in your most difficult of circumstances.