
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Fear the LORD Only

It's surreal, right?
This time we live in is completely foreign - alien! - to our sense of peace, hope, comfort, convenience, health… The list goes on and on of just how many challenges have eroded the security we once felt. 

It's surreal.
Even as a Christian that attempts to maintain while others around me scurry, hurry, shuffle and hurt, my mind cannot help but be distracted by the waves of panic.  Those waves are big.  Bigger than anything I've ever known. 
What waves? 
The waves of fear. 
Fear that injures.
Fear that cripples.
Fear that mortifies.
Fear that terrorizes.
Fear that terrifies.
Fear that confuses.
Fear that deceives.
Fear that squeezes.
Fear that breaks.
Fear that weathers.
Fear that darkens.
Fear that blasphemes.
Fear that taunts.
Fear that ridicules.

These waves crash into the supermarkets, drugstores, libraries, nursing homes, arenas, and schools. 
These waves leave no survivors. 
These waves cause massive hysteria.
These waves bring onslaughts of mania.
These waves break walls of security.
These waves press hard on faith.

What are we afraid of?
We're afraid of something we don't know. 
Something we have no control over.
Something swift, painful, stealthy and pervasive.
A virus.
Something that the medical field hasn't prepared for. 
Something our brains haven't prepared for.
Something our bodies are not ready for.
Something our homes are not ready for.

Let me get to the point more quickly as I can sense the light is dimming on the hope that we say we have in Jesus, as Christ followers. 

Because this swift and swiping medical phenomenon - though "novel" - is still not a surprise.  Though unknown and unprecedented, it's still known and controlled.  By God.
There is no sense in fearing something that can be created, controlled, killed, obliterated, instilled, and changed. 
The greater sense of fear, the Bible says, is due the One who has the power to "kill the body and the soul in hell." 

Is that supposed to be helpful, Deeds?
Actually, yes.  And refreshing.  And encouraging.

Proverbs 9:10
"The FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.  And knowledge of the HOLY ONE is understanding." 
If we know, trust and believe the One who we know made heaven and earth and everything in it, we have started on the wonderful course of obtaining wisdom and understanding of the One who has the power over all things, including BODY and soul.   

Look around you.
Look inside you.
Do you see fear of the Lord in our world?   
Do you see people living, reacting, responding, treating each other in understanding? In wisdom?
Do you see results of life, peace and hope?  
When we fear God, it means that we have entered into a relationship with Him wherein He remains the Sovereign, the Ruler, the Good, and the Wise over our lives.  Fearing Him means the fear of other things (Coronavirus included) diminishes the waves of confusion, hurt, crippling, anxiety, panic, stress, darkness and wandering.
The Proverbs are a great source of encouragement to choose "wisdom."  She, as the book puts it, is what gives you life, hope, joy, and the blessed produce of more wisdom!  When we gain wisdom, which the Bible says is totally available to us from God Himself, we gain more understanding of who God is!  Fear of God = wisdom = life!
The fear of God is the beginning of life.
The fear of God is the beginning of joy.
The fear of God is the beginning of hope.
The fear of God is the beginning of light.
The fear of God is the beginning of peace...

Fear the Lord only; trust Him in this messy time.
Fear the Lord only; bring Him into all your life's agendas, tasks, and concerns.
Fear the Lord only; begin thinking, acting, and speaking like Him.

You may hate me for this, but I am THANKFUL that the Lord is bigger than the virus, and He's allowed it to shake our world.  
Because the sudden onset of this virus triggered an onset of prayer warriors from around the globe.  
Bands of Christians have come together to fall before the Lord and give Him honor and glory due His name.  
It has brought me to my knees in my own unbelief to lean more heavily on the provision and power of my Mighty God.
It has crushed walls of division, creating unity under the same hope of something better and brighter.
I have seen the church of God BE the church of God, extending beyond the boundaries of Sunday fellowship!

Tell me that this is the Satan's doing.
Absolutely not.  
The Satan will not get the credit for this.
My God who is above all holy and awesome, worthy of all fear and reverence, will receive the glory for even something like COVID-19!!

"Trust in the LORD with all of your heart, and lean not on your OWN understanding.  In ALL of your ways, acknowledge HIM and HE will make your paths straight."  That's a promise from Proverbs 3:5-6.

It is your life!
Much love,

PS -
God is good.
God is in control.
God is sovereign.

Whom (what) shall I fear?

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