
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Jehovah Jireh

Happy Saturday sweet friends! 
This past week has been a continuous episode of crazy hasn't it?
While we are still dealing with what is happening and what will continue to happen over the next few weeks, I wanted to pop in and give you a reminder.
God is our provider. 
Jehovah Jireh.

Generally speaking, having a relationship with Christ, we expect Him to provide our needs. Almost like a waiter in a restaurant, we expect to receive what we ask for from God. When we pray for a new job, a new car, a new house, more money, etc, we automatically expect God to make those things happen. 
But God our provider is so much more, so much deeper, than those things.

Let's talk first about Abraham. We all know the story of Abraham and how God told him to take his son Isaac to Moriah and offer him as a burnt sacrifice. 
I don't know about you, but if God asked me to do that, I would have to ask God some questions. Why God? Why would you take away my only son whom I love so deeply?
But Abraham had faith and he did not question God. 
Even as Abraham and Isaac walked to the place they would present the offering, Abraham didn't question God. 
And when Isaac asked his father where the lamb was for the offering, Abraham responded "The Lord will provide."
I don't know about you but that gives me the chills! 
And you know what, God provided! 

One part of God's provision is to provide our daily needs. In this current season we are living in, we question whether our daily needs will be met. We get up early, stand outside the grocery store praying that they will have toilet paper or ground meat when we finally get inside. I know how stressful it is and how out of control it makes you feel but God will provide. 

The other part of God's provision is that He has rescued us from sin. The immeasurable gift God gave us was the sacrifice of His only son to save us from our sins and allow us life in eternity with Him.
Do you see the parallel? 
God asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son and Isaac was saved by God's provision.
Jesus, God's only son, was sacrificed as the provision for our sins.

Thank you God! 

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