
Monday, March 16, 2020

Faith Over Fear Project

Faith Over Fear Project

The past couple days have been crazy to say the least. I’m not sure where the tipping point was when everyone decided Friday was the day to lose it and start hoarding supplies and groceries but here we are none the less. I started creating a journaling card for myself and my family as a reminder where our faith comes from during this difficult and confusing time. Then I realized after seeing too many videos and pictures of the state our country is in, that now more than ever, other needed this reminder as well. 

Your social media feeds may be flooded with both panic and peace, but there may be some people who are only seeing panic everywhere they turn. So I placed cards in the grocery store where the bread, toilet paper, and bleach once sat. I also put a couple at the gas pumps. Each card had one of the many bible verses us Christians turn to in times of worry and anxiety. Did you know the phrase “fear not” is in the Bible at least 365 times?! Just another reminder that we will have hard times, that is guaranteed. But God will be there through it all.

John 16:31-33
“Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; l have overcome the world.”

It is my hope that the people who come across these cards will pause in their chaotic and stress filled day and think. Yes, they may just crumble it up and throw it away, but maybe...just one person will carry it home with them, or pass it to a friend, or share it on social media. A small reminder in the world that God has us in his hands. He will not leave us nor forsake us. We will all be ok, we just have to get through this, together! 

I challenge you! Is there something YOU can do to ease the fears or tension of others right now instead of adding to it? Yes we’re practicing “social distancing” right now, but there are many ways you can still help others. Maybe if you have extra toilet paper, DONATE it to them instead of charging them for it! Haha. 

I have teamed up with Illustrator Rebecca Rios and Korin Sutherland and we have created a FREE printable for you all! Inspired by the cards I made above, you can print these cards AT HOME for FREE! Print them and wrote an encouraging note or bible verse on the back. If you are out and about, leave them random places for others to find and be encouraged during this trying time for us all. If you are staying in your home, mail them to friends and family! We can even get this kids in on this and show them how to spread God's word and positivity in the midst of this mess. 

If you choose to share on social media to help spread the word
use the hashtag #FAITHOVERFEARPROJECT so we can see where this movement goes!

We can all be a light during this dark time! Prayers for health and safety for us all.

Stephanie Gammon

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