Sunday, May 30, 2021
Freedom at a Cost
Monday, May 24, 2021
Covenant Marriage
You know how you hear something, and then you hear it over and over again and you feel like the Lord's really trying to get your attention? That was this "covenant marriage" theme for me! I heard the sermon a few weeks ago and then that whole week, I saw several posts and heard several people talk about a covenant marriage. For me, it was a new concept. I've never heard the topic of marriage put quite like this - as a comparison between a covenant and a contract.

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Saturday, May 22, 2021
Walking in Trouble...
Hi friends,
It goes without saying that we all walk through times of trouble in life - none of us are exempt. If the last year has taught us anything then it should teach us that trouble can unexpectantly and traumatically interrupt our lives, and it can last for a short while or for much longer than we would like or imagine. The stories that are recorded in the Bible also show us that trouble is common to people of every time and place (we can also study history to see this). In fact, in Scripture we have been given not only stories of trouble, but the way people responded to it.
In the Psalms we see people wrestling with their emotions in response to the trouble they are experiencing, whether externally or internally. We have been given the gift of many lament psalms which show how we are to come to God in our trouble, not pretending that everything is fine but pouring out our heart (even our complaint!) to God. We have also been shown that it is possible to stand firm in the confidence and hope we have in God, knowing that he will preserve us during the trouble, even before he brings us out of it.
Psalm 138:7 says 'Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life.' There are a couple of things in this verse that struck me. First, it says 'in the midst of trouble' which indicates that this it not a wish that everything would get better in a hurry, that the storm would blow over, or that things could get back to normal. No, the psalmist acknowledges that he is still walking in the midst of trouble, yet it is right in the middle of the mess and turmoil that God is there, preserving and saving. Secondly, the word 'life' struck me, because while the psalmist may have been talking simply about being kept physically alive, I think it could mean more than that. Perhaps it is a statement of faith in God's ability and willingness to preserve abundant life, even in the midst of trouble. We don't have to just survive the trouble, but we can thrive within it with the help of God.
On this page I created a background with gelatos and a baby wipe, stencilling some Nuvo mousse over the top using the Puffy Clouds and Grunge Dots stencils. The boots are a new digi set this month called Cute Boots. I printed it on clear sticker paper and coloured with coloured pencils before cutting out and sticking to the page. The verse was created with a combination of sets: School Days Alpha, Messy Stamped Alpha, Trust in the Lord, His Love, and Life in Jesus.
Let's be people who cry out to God in our trouble, knowing that he preserves our life and gives us his life in the midst of whatever we may be facing.
Be blessed...
x Amy x
Monday, May 17, 2021
God of the hills and valleys

Sunday, May 9, 2021
Go and Tell
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Hidden Under His Wings...
Hi friends,
There are several places in the Psalms that talk about being hidden under the shadow of God's wings (Psalm 17:8; 36:7; 57:1; 63:7). All of these psalms are attributed to David, the warrior king. I find it interesting that a man known for his valour and fighting qualities would regularly choose a metaphor that is so gentle, maternal and nurturing to describe God's protection of himself and others.
What I found particularly surprising is how David uses this imagery in the middle of a prayer of deliverance with so much language of peril and violence (Psalm 17). He writes of deadly enemies who track him down and surround him like a hungry lion ready to tear into its prey. It seems odd that in the middle of this language that conveys the strength and danger of lions, he chooses to ask God to hide him under the shadow of his wings. When I was illustrating this page it struck me how in the natural, a bird is no match for a lion! Yet David knows that God's gentle and nurturing protection is far stronger and safer than an roaring lions that may surround him. What an awesome truth for us to remember too!
On this page in my Journaling Psalter I used the beautiful bird and flower images from Singing Praises, illustrated by NinaB. I watercoloured the images and background using Inktense pencils and an aquabrush. The verse is also from this set, which makes this a super simple page using only one stamp set (highly unusual for me!). All of Nina's stamp sets are on sale for 25% off at the moment, so it's well worth checking out her amazing artwork in store here.
Let's choose to turn to God and find refuge under his gentle yet strong wings, no matter the danger or difficulty we may be facing.
Be blessed...
x Amy x