
Saturday, February 15, 2020

To live is Christ

About a week ago, this song came on the radio. I had heard it before and loved to sing it but I have always had questions about what it meant when it said "To live is Christ, to die is gain." Philippians 1:21 I have talked to a few people about the meaning of this verse and after hearing from them and researching it on my own, the song had a whole new meaning to me. 

So let's talk about the very first part of this... Even in the fire.
I find it very much a God wink that Jennifer's blog post yesterday talked about the fiery furnace in Daniel chapter three and some truths that we find there. 
God is with us.
Even in the fire.
Even in the storms.
Even in the hills and valleys of life.
Even when our life takes a complete 180 from what we had planned for. 
God will always be there.

To live is Christ.
What does that mean exactly?
Our lives as Christians, as believers, are to be continuously pointing back to Christ. Every thing we do, every thing we say, every move we make should be done to bring glory to God. If we look back at Paul's life, he devoted himself to bring God glory through every aspect of his being. We should live our lives so that Christ is our focus, our goal, and our chief desire. 

To die is gain.
Now this is the part that always confuses me. What exactly did Paul mean when he told the Philippians "to die is gain"?
Simply put it means that one day we will enjoy heaven. What joy awaits us in heaven! As Christians we do not have to fear death because we have eternity to look forward to!

Hope you all have a blessed weekend!

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