
Monday, February 17, 2020

All of Creation Points to the Creator

Jeremiah 10
I had the opportunity to journal this page live in the Creative Worship Bible Journaling Facebook group yesterday, and it was so much fun! 😊 It kicked off our bi-weekly design challenge: Silhouettes. 

The inspiration for this page came from my lovely pastor's wife. She loves to teach her Sunday School lesson on the spiritual truths we can learn from bugs and nature. No seriously! She's taught lessons on the honey bee, spider, crab apple tree, and even dust! She uses God's beautiful creation to teach us about God Himself. 

For example, these past two weeks, she's taught on the ant. Did you know that a scout ant will go out looking for food, wander randomly until it finds a food source, and then immediately make a line straight back to the nest, leaving a scent trail along the way so the other ants can find the way back to the food source? Not only did God put that navigation beacon in the ant, He gave it the ability to leave a distinct path back to their source of life - food!

Dear friends, that's exactly what God wants us to do when we find HIM! So often we wander randomly through life searching for the truth, the source, the sustenance we need to keep going - and then we find our Heavenly Father, and in Him we find life and life more abundant. He then wants us to take this truth back to our "nest" leaving a trail back to Him that is easy for others to follow. Isn't that just great?! 💜


All of creation, from the biggest mountain to the tiniest ant, is designed to point us back to the Creator. These next two weeks, I hope you'll take a moment to learn something from God's creation that points you to Him - and then journal about it!

I journaled this page using watercolors and stamps. You can watch the whole process over on the FB group page. I finished out the pages with some white "snow" highlights, white ink splatters, and some purple sparkle washi and a bow.



Have a wonderful week in the Lord, 


We'd love to have you join our Creative Worship Design Challenge this week? Use the hashtags #creativeworshipsnss or #cwchallengefeb16 to join on social media!

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