
Monday, August 12, 2019

The Alpha & the Omega

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” Revelation 22:13
Dear Friends,
We serve such a great God! If you look through the Bible, you will find many names and titles of Jesus. Why so many names? These names serve to let us know who He is and how He works in our lives.

In Revelation, we see Jesus refer to Himself with different names. Revelation is just that- Jesus' revelation. The book starts with letters to 7 churches. These letters are from Christ and each one uses different names for Him- Him who holds the seven stars in His right hand & walks among the seven golden lampstands, the First & the Last, Him who has the sharp, double-edged sword, the Son of God, Him who holds the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars, Holy & True, the Amen, the Faithful & True Witness. Some of His names may sound strange to us. But, we can learn so much by studying His names. Again in Revelation 19, we are given more names- Faithful and True, Word of God, King of kings & Lord of lords...and the Alpha and the Omega. Jesus refers to Himself in this way in Revelation 1:8, 11; 21:6; and 22:13. Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. So it’s like He’s saying He’s the A and the Z. What does He mean by this? Jewish rabbis used the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet to denote the whole of anything, from beginning to end. Jesus is saying that He is the beginning and end of all things, that He is the one true God. Everyone and everything finds its beginning, middle and end in Him. Everything we need can be found in Jesus and Jesus alone. 

If you have seen my recent posts on Facebook or Instagram, you know I've been journaling the names of Jesus alphabetically. This name, the Alpha & the Omega, is what started me on the path of finding the names of Jesus using the alphabet. It really made me think about who Jesus is, that He meets every need and really is our everything from A to Z. My list is certainly not comprehensive. I only took one name for each letter, and many letters have more than one name. I did not journal Q, X or Z as I did not find names for Jesus with those letters. Below is a slideshow of my ABC pages and the list of the verses and names I journaled.

A: Hebrews 12:2- Author of our Faith
Jesus is the Creator and Sustainer of our faith. Since He sustains faith, that means true faith can’t be lost or taken away. Jesus created and gives it to us. He then watches over it and sustains it. 
B: John 6:35- Bread of Life
Jesus is essential for our spiritual lives just as bread (food) is essential for our physical lives. He nourishes and satisfies us in a way nothing else can. 
C: Nehemiah 9:6- Creator
Jesus is the Creator of the universe (Col 1:16.) The Trinity- 3 equal Persons, One God- can be hard to understand. But all three Persons of the Trinity were present at creation. They are One. Through Jesus, everything was created (Heb 1:2.)
D: 2 Samuel 22:2- Deliverer
Jesus delivers us from the power and penalty of sin. He delivers us from death. All we have to do is accept Him as our Savior. 
E: Isaiah 7:14- Emmanuel
Emmanuel means “God with us.” Jesus is Emmanuel as He is God and He came to us- God in the flesh. He dwelt among us physically on earth. He dwells within each believer now through His Spirit. He is always with us. 
F: Revelation 19:11- Faithful & True
This title of Jesus comes as He returns as Conqueror on a white horse. Jesus is faithful- reliable, dependable and trustworthy. He is true as well meaning His words are the same. We can follow Him wholeheartedly without fear of being misled. 
G: John 10:11 & 14- Good Shepherd
Sheep are defenseless and completely dependent on the shepherd. Left to their own devices, they often go astray. Jesus as the Good Shepherd protects, guides, and nurtures His flock- us. 
H: Psalm 18:2- High Tower
Jesus is our safe place. If we go to Him in difficult situations, He will see us through. He may not keep us away from hard times, but when we go to Him in those situations, we are strengthed and focused on Him so that we can make it through. 
I: Isaiah 53:12- Intercessor
Jesus interceded on our behalf and took on the penalty of our sins. He paid the debt in full. And even now, He intercedes for us (Rom 8:34.)
J: Acts 10:42- Judge of all
Jesus is the only righteous Judge. He came to earth, totally God and totally Man, and lived a perfect life. There will be a day that we are all judged before Him. Those that have accepted Him as Savior will have eternal security. Those who have not will be judged by their sinful lives and be found wanting. 
K: 1 Timothy 6:15- King of kings
Jesus is the one true King. He has authority over all of creation. And no other can oppose Him and win. 
L: John 8:12- Light of the world
Jesus is the exclusive source of spiritual light or truth. Physical light is needed to sustain life. Jesus is necessary for our lives too. Physical darkness cannot overcome physical light. Likewise, spiritual darkness cannot overcome Jesus. 
M: Daniel 9:25- Messiah
Messiah means Chosen or Anointed One. Jesus came and forgave and delivered us from sin. He saved us from eternal darkness. 
N: Philippians 2:9-11- Name above all names
Jesus humbled Himself by coming to earth and dying for us. After His resurrection, the Father bestowed honor on Jesus. Ultimately, everyone-EVERYONE- will bow down and honor Him. 
O: 1 Timothy 1:17- Only Wise God
Only our Lord is truly wise. All wisdom comes from Him. 
P: Hebrews 8:1- Priest
Like the Levitical priests, Jesus offered a sacrifice to satisfy God’s law and cover our sins. That sacrifice was the cross. Unlike the Levitical priests who had to offer sacrifices repeatedly, Jesus only had to offer His sacrifice once. And through that sacrifice, anyone who takes Him as Savior is redeemed and given eternal life. 
Q: none
R: Job 19:25- Redeemer
Through Jesus, we have eternal salvation. He redeemed us from our sin by dying on the cross to pay the debt of that sin. He overcame death in His resurrection and through Him, we overcome spiritual death. 
S: Matthew 12:18- Servant
Jesus left His rightful place of glory to come to earth for the specific purpose of the cross. His life and death are the ultimate example of a faithful servant. 
T: Psalm 31:5- Truth
Jesus is truth personified. He is the source, embodiment, and reference point for truth. Truth, no matter what the world tells us, is not relative. We can trust Him in all things. What He says is always true. 
U: Hebrews 1:3- Upholder of all things
Jesus sustains all things. He supports and strengthens us and creation. Nothing can exist and continue to exist without Him. 
V: John 15:5- Vine
Just as a vine nourishes and sustains it’s branches, Jesus nourishes and sustains us spiritually. We have to abide in Him to bear fruit. 
W: John 1:1-3- Word of God
Just as Jesus is the personification of truth, He is the personification of the Word of God- which is truth. He revealed the Father to the people He physically came in contact with while He lived on earth just as the written Word of God and Jesus through His Spirit reveals God to us now. 
X: none
Y: Isaiah 45:24- Yahweh
In Ex 3, God tells Moses His name is “I Am That I Am” (YHWH.) Jesus referred to Himself as Yahweh in His I Am statements in the New Testament. There are 7 I Am statements in John. So, Jesus is again showing us that He and the Father are one. 
Z: none

Page Details:
I used the following Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps sets: School Days Alpha, Jesus & Coffee, and Bitty Minnie Alpha. (Stay tuned for a promotion involving the alpha sets starting tomorrow!!)
This was a super simple page. I just stamped the alphabet background with pigment inks using the School Days Alpha.Then used black ink to stamp over it. That's it!

I hope you will take some time to study the names of Jesus using my list, one from the internet, or just searching through your Bible. As you go through them, contemplate how Jesus manifests Himself as each of them in your life.

Much love to you! Andrea

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