
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Effort to Rest?

Hi friends,

If you study the word 'rest' in the Bible you will find some interesting and encouraging truths. God promises his children rest and has instituted the Sabbath and its resulting rest for the benefit of humanity.

In Hebrews there is a reflection on the fact that the people of Israel failed to enter into the rest God provided for them due to disobedience and lack of faith. The author urges his readers not to make the same mistake, and in Hebrews 5:11 writes 'Let us therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.' I don't know about you, but the concept of exerting effort to enter rest seems like a bit of a contradiction doesn't it?

But here's the thing: true rest doesn't happen automatically or easily. I know for myself, I have had to learn how to rest well (and to be honest it is still an ongoing learning curve!). For me, striving and hustle were much more comfortable than rest. Relying on my own hard work and understanding was easier than resting in God's care and provision. So I know a little about the need for being intentional and determined when it comes to resting.

The rest that Hebrews is speaking about isn't simply about kicking off your shoes, putting your feet up and having a nap! It is talking about the rest that comes from ongoing faith and obedience to God. This rest means trusting in God, and not our own strength or wisdom. It means relinquishing control of our lives to our Saviour and Lord. It means being content with where God places us and what he gives us. It means living a life of gratitude and praise rather than grumbling and discontent. I know for me, these attitudes and ways of living take effort - they do not come naturally. I think this is what is meant by 'let us make every effort to enter that rest.'

I used the 'no-line watercolour' technique on this page, stamping the images from Singing Praises (this month's Stamp of the Month) with Sage ink then colouring in with an aquabrush and watercolours. This technique takes a fair bit of time, but I really like the finished result. I used a combination of the new School Days Alpha and Bitty Minnie Alpha to stamp the verse. Here are the sets I used:

Can I encourage you to meditate on what effort may be required for you to enter the rest God has promised?

Be blessed...

x Amy x

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