
Monday, September 10, 2018

Where is your Hiding Place?

Hi friends,

When I received the amazing new Mighty Fortress stamp set, I knew I wanted to create a page using the theme of 'hiding place.' I love the song You are my hiding place and as I was preparing this page in Psalm 119:114 I began to think about all the different 'hiding places' we run to when times get tough...

A hiding place is a place we run to when thinsg get too much, when we are wounded, angry, overwhelmed, exhausted or afraid. Some people hide in alcohol, some in television, some in relationships, some in food, some in exercise, some in career achievement... Where, or who do you run to?

The writer of Psalm 119 declares that God is his/her hiding place and shield. When life gets rough, he/she runs to God. What a beautiful example for us to meditate upon and imitate! Instead of running to things that give us immediate comfort or distraction, let us run to our Almighty God, who comforts, protects and hides us in the shadow of his wings. The comfort he gives is far greater and longer lasting than chocolate or alcohol, the protection he gives is far stronger than any human can give, and he is a far better, nurturing, healing hiding place than television (or anything else!).

I created this page in my ESV Journaling Psalter, which has a blank page next to every page of printed text, which is great for Bible journaling. The lovely poinsettia flowers from Christmas Poinsettia were stamped one at a time, masking one stamped image then stamping the next one slightly overlapping, so there is the effect of having some flower behind others. This stamp set is Sweet 'n Sassy's Stamp of the Month during September, which means you can get it for free with a purchase of $75 or more! The images were coloured with watercolours. I also used Girl Power, and the new Armor of God and Mighty Fortress to stamp the text.

Can I encourage you to examine the hiding places you run to in your life? If, like me, you discover you've been hiding in the wrong places, I want to invite you to run to the BEST hiding place in heaven or earth: God. His love and salvation are your shield no matter storms may be brewing around you.

x Amy x

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