
Saturday, September 8, 2018

My Rock and Fortress Forever

Hey guys!  

Deeds here, with a bit of journaling in my "Christian Life Hymnal!!" 
Let me tell you how timely the Lord is in His mercies and favor!  JUST RECENTLY (like yesterday and today, recently) I've been touched and moved by the surrounding forces of His might and power.  His promise is to never leave; to never forsake.  BUT, my friend, He does more than just stand by our side - He's in the every decision, every situation, every rise and fall, every dark and darker. 

Can I share with you about "dark?" 
There is a piece of home - my home - where darkness grows up along the walls.  It's damp.  It's dangerous.  It's terrifying. 
Yesterday, my heart sank into a whirlwind of thoughts - estranged from faith as they may be - of what could happen in this situation.  There's something vicious about mold; something unforgiving; something treacherous.  And as I looked on it, I truly believed it to transcend to my heart, blackening it; suffocating it.  Does the phrase, "impending doom," ring a bell?
So what am I talking about??  "Surrounding forces of God's might and power??" 

Oh, fellow struggling, hurting, broken friends…

The joy of the Lord is not in the comforts and ease of life - it's in the holes and broken pieces of our minds; even in the snares set out for us by the enemy of our soul. 
We are not fully capable of understanding the joy of the Lord without first experiencing grief.
We don't get the gamut of victory without first fighting the battles.
We cannot fathom safety, refuge, protection and provision without having first gone through dangers, toils, snares, and want.
Psalm 46:7 says, "The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Fortress!"

God has given me meaning and value in my present circumstances, so I hope to be as clearly and authentically bold for His name: HE IS MY ROCK and FORTRESS!

When the earth shakes and quakes, the waters flood and frighten, the fires rage and threaten - when mold rears its taunting face - He's my Rock. 
When it feels that the darkness prevails and the enemy is gaining ground on my "untroubled" turf, He's my Fortress. 
He is high and lifted up, and as a child of the One True King, I am lifted with Him.  I am able to see the battles rage from His perspective, His vantage point. And though I be engrossed in mildew and moss in my soul, He guards my heart and preserves me for His name's sake.

I'm not above problems; but, God is. 
I'm not immune to emotional, irrational, fearful behavior; but, God knows that.

In areas of life where we are most vulnerable and (sadly) susceptible to falling, failing in faith, the enemy WILL strike.  He will strike, and he will strike hard.  But, "get excited," as my friend, Korin would put it.   It's in these areas of attack where God is using even the enemy's "blows" to make us stronger. 
We are not born strong and able; God makes us so.
We are not inherently bold and brave; God makes us so.
We are not innately trusting and faithful; God makes us so.

And this makes the enemy powerless.  HALLELUJAH!

I pray that today, you have found God as your Rock and Fortress.  Forever He is with us.  Forever He is faithful.  Forever He is strong.  Forever.

Much love,

**Process is done using watercolor crayons from Lyra, and "Mighty Fortress" stamps from Sweet 'n' Sassy Stamps. 

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