
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Jesus Comes Down

I truly love the beauty of this picture.  It captures so well, the true heart of bringing a baby into this world.  However this wasn't just any baby, this particular miracle baby left His perfect and safe throne. He left behind His royalty and power and came into this world to sacrifice everything, right down to His very life!! He did all these things for even the worst sinner on earth.  Let that just sink in.  

Today I realized I was neglecting God,  I hadn't been making Him a priority.  I don't know about you, but when I start to do this I tend to also feel the lies of the enemy.  He would have me believe that because I faltered and because I got stressed over the worldly things that need to get done, somehow God was so disappointed in me.  Although I can't say for certain that He doesn't feel disappointment, I know the truth of the matter is that in these moments, Jesus is shouting from the roof tops...."Catherine (or Insert your name here)!!! This is exactly why I came down from my place in Heaven and died on the cross!!! I did it for you! I did it because you were born into sin and will always struggle and fight with sin.  I did it because I love you and I want you to come back with me to my place in Heaven. Soon I will come back to get you"!!!

No matter what you are facing, no matter how far you have run, no matter how long you have believed the lies of the enemy.... THIS IS THE TRUTH!!!! Jesus came down from Heaven for YOU!! He already knows you will mess up, that's why He came! Let this fill your heart! Let this fuel your soul! Let this motivate you (no matter how far gone you think you are) to run back to Him!! 

My prayer today is for anyone who feels unworthy of Jesus' sacrifice. From little sin, to big sin, we are all unworthy of God's grace in Jesus Christ, but THIS is why He did it!  If we deserved it, we wouldn't need grace! I pray you only hear God's truth and you come to know in your heart that we are only as worthy as our savior Jesus Christ! 


P.S. This beautiful stamp set called... Receive the Savior, is available at Sweet N' Sassy Stamps

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