
Thursday, September 8, 2016

He is Faithful

If we are faithless, he remains faithful---for he cannot deny himself. 
2 Timothy 2:13

God's faithfulness is something that I journal often. I get discouraged in the wait and in the valleys, but my Father is so good because He tenderly reminds me that He is always faithful. Don't you just love that? There is so much chaos in our world but God remains steadfast. If you ever feel like you have nothing to depend on or if the world has let you down, remember God never will. He loves us so tenderly and with so much mercy. He is more than enough. 

It's easy to praise God when life seems to be going our way, when we are high on the mountain tops, but God is just as much worthy of our praise in the valleys as He is when we're on the mountain tops. 

Every morning, for the past week, I have listened to the song "Enter the Gates" from Bryan and Katie Torwalt. The song starts of as follows,

"My eyes on your faithfulness. Oh God let me not forget to sing in the valley, to look toward your goodness."

Yes and amen, Lord! Let my eyes always be on Your faithfulness and goodness. Let praises ever be on my lips for you in every season. 

Praise Him, friends!


Sweet n Sassy stamps used: 
  • Scribble Flowers
  • Music to My Ears (quite possibly my favorite because I journal lyrics so much!) :) 

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