
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Word Like Fire...

Hi friends,

The Word of God is described with many pictures in the Bible - it is a mirror, a hammer, a lamp, and bread among others. Another picture is used in Jeremiah 23:29, and that is fire. The thing with fire is that it can be incredibly useful and life-giving, or dangerous and destructive. Fire can warm us when we are cold, we can use it to cook our food on, and it provides light in the darkness. But is can also consume everything in its path when it is out of control. Things that were formerly worth much and turned into worthless ashes in the wake of fire's destruction.

When we encounter metaphor used to describe something in Scripture, we need to think carefully about which properties of that metaphor are being carried over in the description. Not every property of fire applies to Scripture, so which ones do? Well, I certainly have been warmed by the Word of God as it has set my heart aflame with love for God and a passion for his truth. I have also been guided by the light of God's Word through very dark times. I also know that the Word of God can burn up those things that need to be destroyed, such as false beliefs, wrong affections, and sinful thoughts. But the Word of God can also be misused in dangerous ways, outside safe boundaries, to hurt and abuse people (I have experienced this in my own life). When we take the fire of God's Word and use it carelessly as a way to win arguments or keep others under control, we can burn others by our mishandling of Scripture. Much like fire should be used with respect for what it can do and the effect it can have, so we should have the same approach to God's Word. 

I created the background on this page using gelatos and a baby wipe to blend the colours. The fire from Soul on Fire and Bible from Good Morning were stamped on lightweight card, cut out and coloured with coloured pencils. I used Women of Praise, Mini Grunge Type Alpha, Outline Alpha, and Script Outline Alpha for the verse. I added some details with Nuvo markers, a white gel pen, and some gold paint splatters.

Let's warm ourselves by the light of the fire of God's Word, and allow it to burn away in us anything that God wants to rid us of. Let's remember to handle the Word of God with care, knowing the great power and truth it reveals.

Be blessed...

x Amy x

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