
Saturday, October 23, 2021

What is truth?

 Hi friends,

It seems that in the world right now, there are many different competing claims to truth. One expert confidently says one thing, while another contradicts them. One politician claims to be speaking the truth, but those on the opposing side disagree. Even in the church there are competing claims to truth. Some interpret the Bible one way, while others vehemently disagree with that interpretation. It can feel overwhelming sometimes, and one response is just to make truth relative: everyone has their own version of truth and as long as we all remember that, then we'll be fine. But is that the right response?

If we think this problem is just a modern-day one, then we are mistaken. All throughout history there have been competing claims to truth, and alongside those claims there has also been scepticism and cynicism that truth can actually be found. In John 18, we find the trial of Jesus before Pilate, and when Jesus claims to testify to the truth, Pilate asks "What is truth?" Pilate was a seasoned political operative and had seen his share of claims to truth in order to win power. This question that he asks Jesus sounds like one of cynicism rather than genuine seeking, almost as if he had given up trying to find the truth. But the irony was that Truth was standing in front of him, on trial for a crime he didn't commit. 

The reality is that the only truth we can know with certainty is that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, and his death on the cross and resurrection enables us to live and walk in the truth. The messages we hear all around us that claim to be truth end up changing like the leaves on the trees when autumn comes, but the cross of Christ stands firm as a witness to truth. When we are seeking to discern truth, we need to continually return to Jesus Christ - his life, death, and resurrection - and ask how Jesus has revealed the truth to us through his Word. Only in Jesus can we know the truth that will set us free from the cynicism and deception of the world around us. 

I wanted to create a messy background on this page with lots of competing elements, so I stamped some images from Grunge Elements 3 over a painted acrylic background, then stencilled the leaves using the Fall Leaves Stencil and different shades of Nuvo Mousse. The lettering was created using the new Letter Tiles Alpha and Love ya Like a Sister Alpha, and I added the little pointing hand from Keep in Touch. The final addition was the cross image from Endless Love, placing a butterfly sticker over the top.

Let's keep our eyes, our hearts, and our minds fixed on the truth found in Jesus Christ.

Be blessed...

x Amy x

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