
Monday, May 24, 2021

Covenant Marriage

Hello friends! 

I'm popping on today with a page I made from sermon notes from a message titled:
It's Not That Complicated: 
Do you have a Contract or Covenant Marriage?

You know how you hear something, and then you hear it over and over again and you feel like the Lord's really trying to get your attention? That was this "covenant marriage" theme for me! I heard the sermon a few weeks ago and then that whole week, I saw several posts and heard several people talk about a covenant marriage. For me, it was a new concept. I've never heard the topic of marriage put quite like this - as a comparison between a covenant and a contract. 

"And the man said: 'This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called "woman," for she was taken from man.' This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. Both the man and his wife were naked, yet felt no shame."
Genesis 2:23-25

I want to share with you a few of my notes and takeaways from the sermon. 😊

Marriage is a covenant between man and woman and before God. It's an incredible and sacred gift from God ultimately intended to point people to God. After all, he is the One who first established a covenant. 

We often approach marriage like a contract rather than a covenant, but there is a difference between the concepts of a contract and a covenant. A contract says, "I will protect my rights and I will limit my responsibilities." A covenant says, "I will lay down my rights and I will pick up responsibility." A contract protects me first, while a covenant put the other party first. 

As a wife, marriage is not about my rights and my conditions - it's about my commitment to loving my husband even when he's unlovable or doesn't love me back. 

(**Disclaimer: When I talk about covenant marriages, I am not in any way including abusive relationships. Do not stay in an abusive relationship for any reason. God would never want a husband or wife to stay in an abusive relationship and risk danger to themselves or their children. If you are in an abusive relationship, get out and get help.)

So what am I laying down in a covenant marriage? (I'm a sucker for a simple, three point message so here ya go! 😅) 

1. My priority 
Apart from my relationship with God, there is no other relationship that has priority over that of my marriage and my husband. God, husband, children, everything else - that should be my order of priority. Commit to myself that no person or thing come before my husband but God. *newsflash: if anyone else starts to come first, I'm out of covenant!
2. My ownership
My spouse is the co-owner of my life. We became one flesh when we got married and I am no longer the sole proprietor of my life. We are responsible for each other. 
3. My privacy
There are no secrets! 

What am I picking up in a covenant marriage?
1. Unconditional love
2. Honor
3. Submission

Love is a feeling sometimes and a choice all the time.

So, let me ask you... Do you think of your marriage more as a covenant or a contract? Are you more worried about protecting your rights, or laying down your rights? I know for me, thinking of my marriage as a covenant with my husband shifted my mindset and I definitely feel like it was something the Lord wanted me to think on. 

I hope it encourages you to pursue a covenant relationship with your spouse. 💗

Page Details

This was honestly a very simple page to create. I wanted to think more on my notes from the sermon and have lots of room to write! I used the Count Your Rainbows stamp and die set, and the Sweet & Simple Alpha stamp sets to to create this page; as well as a whole lot of splatters and color! 🙌

Have a very blessed week in Christ!


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