
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Be of the Light


1 John 2:9
"Anyone who claims to be in the light 
but hates a brother or sister 
is still in the darkness."

At our church our pastor has been teaching a series of sermons titled "The Age of Rage". And boy isn't that the truth! Now, there are some really wonderful things that have happened this year, but unfortunately, those positive things have been completely overshadowed by the disappointing, heartbreaking, hateful things that we have seen all over the news.  

This year has brought out a lot of feelings in people, especially hurt and anger. But it's important not to let those feelings take root in your heart and change the way you treat people! When did it become okay for Christians to hate people?? If you're unsure of the answer it's never. God did not create us to hate. Hate is a flaw from our sinful nature. 

In Mark 12:31 Jesus said "love your neighbor as yourself". He didn't add a exclusions like:

-unless your neighbor is a democrat

-unless your neighbor has a different skin color than yours

-unless your neighbor refuses to wear a mask

-unless your neighbor has any opinion different than your own

No! There were no exclusions to that! We are called as Christians to love one another unconditionally. Sometimes it is really hard to love or even like someone you whole heartedly disagree with, but that doesn't mean you can't. There are A LOT of things that each one of us does every day that Jesus doesn't agree with, yet he loves us unconditionally every single day!


You can't claim to be in the light but then hate your brothers and sisters in Christ. 
It doesn't work that way. As followers of Jesus we are known for Love not Hatred.

Now what we see on the news is in fact happening, but it's only a snapshot, a small view of the things that are happening in our country. It is not a true reflection of the majority of our country. We ARE better than this. We CAN be better than this again!

Stephanie Gammon

Shine Your Light

Skinny Minnie Alpha

Marker Alpha 

Messy Stamped Alpha 

With Love Alpha 

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