
Monday, August 10, 2020

I Lift My Eyes to the Hills

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? 
My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2 ESV

Hello friends!  I hope you are well.  I've been on a bit of a hiatus for a couple of months, to recharge and rejuvenate.  I needed a break from the internet and social media...or the media in general.  We even took a break from real life!  We spent a week on vacation in the NC mountains.  This was our view.  

We stayed at a lake house with mountains rising up all around us.  The water was crystal clear and cool and refreshing.  The weather was perfect, with crispy evenings and warm days.  Mountain laurel and rhododendrons dotted the shore with white flowers.  It was God's creativeness on full display!

There is something so peaceful about spending time in the Lord's creation.  It was just what I needed!  I felt so small next to the towering mountains, yet closer to the Father, all at the same time.

There is so much going on in the world right now and if you are feeling overwhelmed by it all, I encourage you to unplug and spend some time with God in the great outdoors.

I wanted to document my gratitude to God, for allowing us this time of rest and rejuvenation.  I know in my time of need, my help comes from the Lord. 

I used my Psalms & Proverbs Illustrating Bible and painted a scene that reminded me of our trip using mostly distress paint and some other acrylic paints.  I used the All of Me alpha and Loop da Loop Alpha to create my title. 

Until next time, catch up with me on Instagram & Facebook @simplyjillsjourney. 


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