
Monday, May 4, 2020

Beautiful in His Time

"He hath made everything beautiful in his time..."
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Time. It's what's on everyone's minds these days. I don't know about you, but to me it feels like time has sort of just stopped. No more school, no more work, no more hustle and bustle - just stopped. 

Ecclesiastes talks a lot about time and the meaning of this time that we've been given. We may have been surprised by all the recent events, but God certainly wasn't. God is the author of time, and it's His hand who controls everything. 

The first part of Ecclesiastes 3:11 reflects on the beautify of God's timing. Matthew Henry has this to say:

"That which to use seems most unpleasant is yet, in its proper time, altogether becoming. Cold is as becoming in winter as heat in summer; and the night, in its turn, is a black beauty, as the day, in its turn, is a bright one. There is a wonderful harmony in the divine Providence and all its disposals, so that the events of it, when they come to be considered in their relations and tendencies, together with the seasons of them, will appear very beautiful, to the glory of God and the comfort of those that trust in him. Though we see not the complete beauty of Providence, yet we shall see it, and a glorious sight it will be, when the mystery of God shall be finished. Then everything shall appear to have been done in the most proper time and ti will be the wonder of eternity."

All that is worth having takes time, and even the most difficult of circumstances can become beautiful in God's time. 🦋

I used the brand new Begin Again stamp set, along with the Cold Coffee Alpha stamp set to create this "beautiful" page. 😉


I pray you enjoy the beauty of God's timing this week. 

Much love in Christ, 


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