
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

You Are the Potter

Think of the details of your life. Do you think it's just a series of events happening to you or do you believe your life is part of a greater plan?
I think we can get some clarity and comfort from Isaiah 64:8 on this question.
Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.    
We can be comforted by the first thing this verse tells us, "Yet you, Lord, are our Father". It doesn't just say, you are our says he is our Father. Our Creator is not an uncaring deity. He is a loving and faithful Father. He wants us to trust Him with the details of our lives. The next part of the verse, "We are the clay; you are the potter. We are all the work of your hands" tells us that God is in control. He is the potter of our lives. He is molding and shaping, refining and sometimes, even breaking us and putting us back together, in an effort to make us more Christ-like.
My prayer through my journaling, is that I would always be malleable in the hands of the potter, allowing him to shape me in a way that brings Him glory.
Have Thine own way Lord
Have Thine own way
Thou art the potter I am the clay
Mold me and make me after Thy will
While I am waiting yielded and still  
(Lyrics from Have Thine Own Way Lord by Jim reeves)

 Page details:
A couple of weeks ago, I did a page using several people from the Brotherly Love and Girl Power stamp sets. I used my Brother Scan and Cut to cut out all the images and what I was left with resembled a stencil of people. I saved it for future projects.
I used my "stencil" this week with texture paste that I colored to resemble potter's clay. I laid out a piece of wax paper and used a plastic pallet knife to smooth the texture paste in a few of the images. I purposely left them imperfect, because afterall, that's what we are. After the texture paste dried, I was able to lift it off the wax paper. I don't usually gesso my page, but knew I wanted to smoosh distress oxides on the page and they tend to bleed through badly when used with a lot of water, so I did prep my page before starting. I did several layers of smooshing, using a variety of colors to create some muddy, clay splatter areas. I inked around my texture paste people with some black ink to help them stand out from my background and glued them to my page. I used the new Messy Stamped Alpha and Cold Coffee Alpha to stamp out my title. I actually stamped it twice, with a grey and brown ink and off set my stamping each time to create a shadow on the letters.

 Until next time, catch up with me on Instagram @simplyjillsjourney. xoxo,


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