
Saturday, March 7, 2020

God's infinite power

Good morning! 
Here in Georgia it has been raining for what seems like 57 years! Praise the Lord we got some sunshine and not a single drop of rain yesterday! 
While it was raining though, and it seemed like we would never see the end of the rain, I was reminded about God's infinite power. Throughout the Bible we see the power of God moving and working in the lives of those that believe in Him. We see stories like Joshua, who listened to God, and the walls of Jericho fell. 
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down!
Y'all know I always have a song! 
We see the power of God in Genesis when Sarah and Abraham have a child in their 90's. 
We see the power of God in the book of Daniel when he is spared from the lions. 
Oh no, what we gonna do, the kind likes Daniel more than me and you. Oh no, what we gonna do, we gotta get him out of here!
There's a song for everything! 

The Bible tells us that even the winds and seas obey Him. (Matthew 8:27)

God has done and will continue to do some miraculous things and He wants to use us as a vessel for those things. 
We are told in Matthew 17:20 that if we have faith, even as small as a mustard seed, we can tell a mountain to move and God will make it happen. I don't know about you but that has always blown my mind! But it shouldn't be a surprise. Our Creator, Our Abba Father, He is so incredibly amazing. And you know what else is amazing? We get to spend our lives worshiping, praising, adoring, and learning more about Him. 

There are a few songs that I have recently listened to on repeat that talk about the power of God

There's nothing that our God can't do! There's not a mountain that He can't move! Oh praise the name that makes a way, there's nothing that our God can't do!
And another one...
We’ve seen what You can do, oh God of wonders Your power has no end

This page was inspired by that last song "God of Revival" by Brian and Jenn Johnson

How true, that God's power has no end. Taking a look at Genesis, and all that He created in the beginning, just those first two chapters are fill with so much of God's infinite power. 
Today, I encourage you to find a story that shows just how powerful God is and reflect on the power He has shown in your life!

Have a blessed weekend! 

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