
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Mercy over Judgment

Hi friends,

Recently I have been challenged about my attitude to other drivers as I drive to and from college each day. It is a long journey with lots of traffic and there are certain points that test my patience a LOT!

The other day I had a moment where I was once again irritated by drivers cutting in front of me when they were in the wrong lane (in my mind, often deliberately, so they can cut the queue!). As I drove along I had a thought: as a driver I can either be a 'tax collector', a Pharisee or Jesus. What I mean by that is that I can either do the wrong thing blatantly (get in the wrong lane and cut in front of other drivers) or I can do the right thing (stay in the right lane) but with the wrong attitude - an attitude of judgment and resentment toward those doing the wrong thing. And that is the attitude of a Pharisee... yikes!

So what would Jesus do? I think, based on the way he lived his life as we see in the Gospels, that he would do the right thing (he fulfilled the law after all) but he would also extend mercy and grace to those who do the wrong thing (the tax collectors and prostitutes seen in the New Testament). Now that is a challenge to follow!

In James 2:13, the brother of Jesus writes that judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment. What a profoundly challenging but also encouraging statement. This should encourage us because God's mercy toward us triumphs over any judgments that should be rendered to us. But it is also challenging because we do not get to stand in judgment over anyone (whether for their driving, or more serious offences). Our job is to extend mercy, just as our Heavenly Father has been merciful to us.

I had fun using Inktense blocks on these solid images from Dragonfly Dreams to achieve this watercolour effect (I demonstrated this technique in a LIVE video on Sweet 'n Sassy's FB page which is now available on replay if you want to catch it). The verse is a combination of Life in Jesus, Skinny Lowercase Alpha and Mini Grunge Typewriter Alpha. Here are the sets I used:

I know this verse has challenged me... maybe it has also challenged you? Let's remember how merciful Jesus is to us and to everyone, and seek his help in extending that mercy to those around us.

Be blessed...

x Amy x

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