
Saturday, February 1, 2020

A story of redemption

Throughout the Bible we see the theme of redemption. Over and over, chapter by chapter, book by book, it is woven into the Bible like a scarlet thread, reminding us of God's grace and forgiveness. 

Redemption is defined as the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. That is ultimately what God wants for us right? To be redeemed from our sin and live a Christ-centered life?

In Joshua chapter two we meet a lady named Rahab. Rahab was a Canaanite but she was also a prostitute. Although her job title was less than glorious she had faith in God (Joshua 2:9) and put her life on the line hiding Joshua's men on her rooftop. She lied to the king's men who questioned her to protect the lives of those men knowing that they served the "God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath" (Joshua 2:11) 

Rahab is a wonderful example of God's redemption story, God's purpose of grace in our lives and the lives of others. God takes us- the unqualified, the undeserving, the less than holy- and uses us to demonstrate His amazing grace. 
Can I get an amen?!

This past weekend I had the privilege to attend a bible journaling retreat in Ohio and the over arching topic for the weekend was Identity (Oh the God wink that was since my OLW for 2020 is Identity!) Each of the ladies who shared a devotion talked about a woman in the bible and Robyn F shared about Rahab. She said something that really stuck out to me
"God's purpose is not limited to our past."

I want you to read that again to make sure the point gets across. God is not limited to our fleshly mistakes. Thank you Jesus that the choices (good or bad) I made yesterday, last week, last year and in the last decade don't limit the purpose you have for my life! 
Praise the Lord for His grace, His love and His redemption! 

For this page I used watercolors to make the background and paint splatters. I used my white UniPosca pen for the white border. I also used three stamps sets from Sweet and Sassy Stamps! One of those three being brand new this month! 

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