
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Listen to the Gentle Whisper...

Hi friends,

As I've grown older I have realised the value of quiet and silence. In a world of noise coming from every direction in the forms of music, television, video clips, online opinions, conversations with friends, traffic noise and so many other sources, it seems that silence is increasingly rare.

In all that noise, it is pretty difficult to listen, whether it be to others (with care and attention), to our own emotions and thoughts, or to God. There's a story in the Bible that I have read and heard sermons on more times than I can remember (but I've never journaled it in over 4 years of doing Bible journaling!). I think one of the reasons people keep returning to this story over and over again is because it speaks to us something profound about the way God speaks which is different from the rest of the noise around us. This story is found in 1 Kings 19 and shows the prophet Elijah worn out and depressed from the physical and spiritual battles he has been facing.

Elijah is so fed up that he asks to die. God in his grace sends an angel to feed him, allows him to sleep and feeds him again. After this much needed nourishment and rest (something that we all need!), Elijah journeys to Mt Horeb, known as the mountain of God. When he is there, God not only speaks to him, but reveals something of himself in the process. A great and powerful wind tore through the mountain, but the Lord was not in the wind. Then an earthquake rumbled through the mountain, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. So where was God, if not in the noise and thunder and fire and smoke? Verse 12 says 'After the fire came a gentle whisper.' (NIV) It was this gentle whisper that drew Elijah out of the cave to meet with God. 

The thing about a gentle whisper is that you need to be listening for it and to it in order to genuinely hear it. It doesn't come crashing through all the rest of the noise of life, competing for our attention. Instead, we need to still ourselves and take time to be quiet in order to listen. God can speak in loud volumes, but he often doesn't. He often speaks in a gentle whisper, demonstrating his grace, peace and gentleness with us when we are feeling fragile and alone. Will we make space in our lives and our minds in order to hear him?

I had fun using the new Vintage Love set on this page, along with a couple of alpha sets: Bitty Minnie Alpha (my all-time fave!) and  Happy Alpha. I watercoloured the images and the page around them.

 May you be blessed as you seek to listen to the gentle whisper of God.

x Amy x

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