
Monday, December 30, 2019

Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here

Even on My servants, both men and women, 
I will pour out My Spirit in those days. Joel 2:29

Hello Friends!

Today, we are in Joel 2. He is speaking of the last days- a future time when, ultimately, Christ will return. At that time, the Holy Spirit will be very active. The great news is that, even though much of Joel's prophecy is yet to be fulfilled, the pouring out of the Holy Spirit began on Pentecost when the apostles were filled with the Spirit. From that day on, all believers have been and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

So, my question is this: do we welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives? Jesus told the disciples in John 14:26, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He teaches us. He reveals the truth to us. So, we should welcome Him enthusiastically!

Believers, as God's children, are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. But we shouldn't treat Him as a visiting guest. We want to welcome Him home in our hearts. Our focus should be on the will of God and the work of Jesus. By praying, Bible reading and studying, worshiping, we will welcome the Spirit. And He will guide and empower us in all we do. Holy Spirit, You are most definitely welcome here!

Page Details:
I used the following Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps sets: Happy Camper, Love Your Neighbor, and Holy Spirit. I am loving the new Happy Camper set! Isn't it the cutest??!! It's so versatile with all the "embellishment" stamps. I used watercolor crayons and a Micron pen as well.

Have a great week! Andrea

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Recorded Words...

Hi friends,

In the middle of Job's time of intense suffering and questioning, he cried out "oh that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved on rock forever!" (Job 19:23-24) He then goes on to utter one of the most well-known and loved phrases in the book of Job: "I know that my Redeemer lives..."

I was thinking about these verses and the fact that God was faithful to answer Job's plea for his words to be recorded. In fact, not only were they recorded, but they have been preserved through many centuries of time and have brought wisdom and encouragements to many millions of people throughout the world and throughout history. What an awesome answer to prayer!

When I was creating this page I was challenged again by the opportunity I have to write things down, specifically to journal about my experiences, thoughts, prayers and learning. While I do make regular time for art journaling (painting and stamping in my Bible), I have always struggled to maintain the discipline of writing in a journal, despite knowing its many benefits and even reading books on the subject!!

But when reflecting on Job's desperate plea for his words to be recorded, and the difficulty with which words would have been recorded in these ancient times, I was convicted once again of how easy it is for me to journal, but how undisciplined I am when it comes to writing things down regularly. One of the habits I want to get into going into the new year is to journal more frequently. And when I struggle with finding either the time or motivation, I now can remember Job and how much he valued having his words recorded. I also know that if I pray and ask God to help me develop this habit, he will be faithful to answer me, just as he was faithful to answer Job.

I had lots of fun creating a background with acrylic paints and stencils on this page, using various shades of green and blue. The typewriter, flowers and paper from Vintage Love were stamped on separate card, cut out and coloured with coloured pencils before gluing onto the page. The verse was stamped with a combination of School Days Alpha and Art Deco Alpha.

How do you feel about journaling? Is it a habit you already have established, one you would like to establish in your life? Maybe it's not something you think you need, but I would encourage you to think about how you are recording and reflecting upon the things in your life.

Be blessed...

x Amy x

Monday, December 23, 2019

What Child is this?

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed the Heir of all things, through whom also He created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature, and He upholds the universe by the word of His power. After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name He has inherited is more excellent than theirs. Hebrews 1:1-4

Merry Christmas, dear friends!
One of my favorite Christmas hymns is "What Child Is This" which asks...
What Child is this
Who laid to rest
On Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,
While shepherds watch are keeping?

The chorus answers...
This, this is Christ the King
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
Haste, haste to bring Him laud
The Babe, the Son of Mary.

What Child is this? That's such a deep question. Christ is so many things to us. The Hebrews verses I reference above say that God spoke to us through His Son (vs 2). Jesus is the ultimate Word of God to mankind. There is nothing else God needs to say to us. All we need to do is hear what He has said through Jesus and heed it.

These verses also tells us more about Christ.

  • He is the heir of all things (vs 2). That means all things are rightfully His. 
  • The world was created through Him (vs 2).
  • He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature (vs 3). He IS God.
  • He upholds the universe by the word of His power (vs 3). Wow! Christ holds everything together!
  • He purified us from our sins (vs 3).
  • He sits at the right hand of the Father (vs 3).
  • His name is above all names (vs 4).
So, what Child is this? He is the King! He is the Word of God. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Heir of all things. He is our Savior and Redeemer. He deserves our praise.
Friends, in this season when we celebrate His birth, think on these things. Think about who He is and praise Him. I wish you a blessed Christmas and peace in our sweet Savior.

Page Details:
I used the following Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps sets: Vintage Love, Script Outline Alpha, Mini Grunge Type Alpha, and Texture Tiles 1. I used watercolor crayons to color the page, a Micron pen to color in the letters, and a white pen to highlight the letters. 

Have a blessed week! Andrea

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Deepest Sympathy

So todays entry is different than what I usually share with you all. I was inspired to create a card instead of a bible journaling entry. 

I don't know about you guys, but for me, this year has been difficult and I can't wait to say goodbye to 2019. The year started out rough with the sudden loss of my dad and as you can expect that has hovered over me every day since. But along with that, so many people I know, both family members and friends, have had traumatic circumstances this year. This year has been full of sadness, loss, death, sickness and lost hope. I've felt like every time I turned around I was heartbroken for someone else. At times, this year has felt like it was too much to bear. 

But I'm happy to say that I believe it's because of my faith in God and family that I have made it to the end of this year in pretty good shape. I created this card for my aunt who recently lost her dog of 15 years. Some dogs become members of the family, and when my Dad passed, my aunt also lost her brother. So the two on top of each other in one year is a lot. I sent her this card in hopes that it would make her smile and remember I am always there. Sometimes, all someone needs is for one person to reach out and let them know that they aren't forgotten. No matter what tough circumstance we are going through, no matter how alone we may feel, God is always there! He is working behind the scenes to mend the hurt in our hearts. He may not remove the hurt you are feeling entirely, but if you seek him in prayer, he will help start the healing process. 

Psalm 34:18
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted 
and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

I stamped the image from Sympathy Morning Glories and added color with Derwent Intense colored pencils. I love these pencils! They're a great way to get a watercolored look with great control and detail. 

I am praying that as we all prepare to step into a new year, that if your 2019 was a struggle, that 2020 will be much brighter! 

Stephanie Gammon

Sympathy Morning Glories

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Come & See What God Has Done!

"Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!" Psalm 66:5

Happy Tuesday!
And oh my goodness, we're so close to the very holiday that I love and cherish and adore and wish I could have all year around!!!!!

Yes, I love Christmas.
I didn't use to.  In fact, the very thought of the implications of Christmas were enough to drown the spirit that IS Christmas.
Holiday traffic, holiday commercials, holiday specials, holiday movies, holiday hustle, holiday get-togethers, holiday white elephants, holiday you name it.  I morphed into a tiny-hearted, somewhat bitter and judgmental person whenever "blow out sales" infiltrated my town, on my television, all over my phone.
Worse than a bah-humbug, I became the worst version of myself and found it difficult to see with a tender heart, the love, joy, bliss, and excitement of the tiny hearts around me.  Yes, my children.  They seem to have a way of teaching me as much as I teach them.
They seem to have the appropriate level of enthusiasm about chopping a tree down in 20 degree weather, in 3 feet of snow.
They seem to have the right mentality of gift-giving and receiving, and the very eagerness necessary of sharing in the joys of holiday festivities.
My children... ever the teachers, and they don't even know it. 😄😄
Full Process video, click here

Roughly 3 years back, God began something serious - an overhaul, if you will - in my heart and mind.  His handling of me, though painful at times, began the overthrow of my darkened and somewhat demonic perspective on the holiday.
No, not to teach me that Christmas is joy in Black Friday sales, matching family pajamas, and inordinate amounts of prepared food; but to teach me of who He is, and why it's important that I look up and outward for this very blessed, holy day.
To be sure, there is still work to be done as I cop the attitude of phone-me-when-it's-over the moment I step into any store.  I just want a pack of AA batteries people; can I skip past the 6 carts of stocking stuffers, lawn ornaments, and over-priced chocolate assortments??
Breathe, Deeds.
Don't forget, Deeds.
Keep your hope, Deeds.
Shine your light, Deeds.

And all of this is preparatory work so you may see a very real and shameful struggle, IN COMPARISON to the God that is working to sanctify me and redeem this time.

In traveling through the Psalms, I've noticed a recurring theme and story line of joy in suffering; hope in darkness; praise in penitence; worship in worry.  The inspired writers minister to their future readers, via the Holy Spirit, to bring us full circle to the end of ourselves, and the truth of the gospel.  Verse after verse presents a movement geared to point us upward, to direct us forward, to set us heavenward. 
Ours is a blessed time, indeed, and in this time of cheer, laughter, joy and music, it's appropriate to understand the good news as proclaimed throughout the Bible:  God with us.
Now, Psalm 66 is not necessarily recognized as a precursor to a heaven-sent God-man, Redeemer of the world.  I'm going to guess that it's not the section of scripture you read on Christmas morning to your kids before the ungift-wrapping frenzy commences.
But, for just the next few minutes, read Psalm 66 in the context of God's good news to the world; try to see the connections of grace, mercy, transformation, wonder, and love of a faithful God in bringing freedom, hope and joy to a world in darkness  (Note: don't forget to pause  - Selah - when prompted, so you are able to pause and think on the glorious-ness of the Word).
Now that you've read it, I want to direct you to my Youtube channel, and show you how the Lord pressed the gospel message into each section covered in the video.  Click here to go to the full process video and devotional.  Once you get there, give me a howdy and consider the challenge with the certain technique with baby wipes and acrylic paint.  :D

I pray that this will not only inspire you to worship God in this text, but additionally prompt you to seek the good news of Jesus Christ as presented and strewn throughout scripture.  We have been granted "Emmanuel" - "God with us" - and this is the perfect time to assume the posture of humility and praise of God, for He is indeed awesome!
Glory to God!
Noel! Noel!
Come and see what God has done!

"Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise! Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds!'" (Psalm 66:1-3)

Much love because He first loved us,

Monday, December 16, 2019

Call on Jesus

"Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!"
Psalm 105:1-2

My pastor preached on Psalm 105 last week and it just tied in so beautifully with the new Vintage Love stamp set, I knew I had to journal it! My pastor really great at breaking down messages into simple points (which this simple girl just loves!! 😉), so here are my key takeaways:
  1. Praise. God wants us to PRAISE HIS NAME! How often do you just stop and praise the Lord for the little blessings in your life? He wants to hear our praise - in the big things and little things. When something good happens today, take two seconds and say, "Praise the Lord." Break out in spontaneous praise
  2. Petition. Call upon His name! We are part of the family of God and have the sweet privilege of talking to Him at any time. In fact, God wants my fellowship! He wants to spend time with me! Isn't that just amazing?! Relationships only grow with communication, and our relationship with God is the same - it needs communication to grow. God communicates to us through His Word, and we communicate to Him through our prayers. 
  3. Publicize. Tell others about His name! I should tell people about how awesome my God is and all that He's done for me. The Christmas season is the perfect time to share how God showed His love for all people by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the Savior of the world. 

Take a minute today to read Psalms 105. I pray that it would stir up our hearts to call on God, praise His name, and tell of all His wonderful works! 

Much love, 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Listen to the Gentle Whisper...

Hi friends,

As I've grown older I have realised the value of quiet and silence. In a world of noise coming from every direction in the forms of music, television, video clips, online opinions, conversations with friends, traffic noise and so many other sources, it seems that silence is increasingly rare.

In all that noise, it is pretty difficult to listen, whether it be to others (with care and attention), to our own emotions and thoughts, or to God. There's a story in the Bible that I have read and heard sermons on more times than I can remember (but I've never journaled it in over 4 years of doing Bible journaling!). I think one of the reasons people keep returning to this story over and over again is because it speaks to us something profound about the way God speaks which is different from the rest of the noise around us. This story is found in 1 Kings 19 and shows the prophet Elijah worn out and depressed from the physical and spiritual battles he has been facing.

Elijah is so fed up that he asks to die. God in his grace sends an angel to feed him, allows him to sleep and feeds him again. After this much needed nourishment and rest (something that we all need!), Elijah journeys to Mt Horeb, known as the mountain of God. When he is there, God not only speaks to him, but reveals something of himself in the process. A great and powerful wind tore through the mountain, but the Lord was not in the wind. Then an earthquake rumbled through the mountain, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. So where was God, if not in the noise and thunder and fire and smoke? Verse 12 says 'After the fire came a gentle whisper.' (NIV) It was this gentle whisper that drew Elijah out of the cave to meet with God. 

The thing about a gentle whisper is that you need to be listening for it and to it in order to genuinely hear it. It doesn't come crashing through all the rest of the noise of life, competing for our attention. Instead, we need to still ourselves and take time to be quiet in order to listen. God can speak in loud volumes, but he often doesn't. He often speaks in a gentle whisper, demonstrating his grace, peace and gentleness with us when we are feeling fragile and alone. Will we make space in our lives and our minds in order to hear him?

I had fun using the new Vintage Love set on this page, along with a couple of alpha sets: Bitty Minnie Alpha (my all-time fave!) and  Happy Alpha. I watercoloured the images and the page around them.

 May you be blessed as you seek to listen to the gentle whisper of God.

x Amy x

Monday, December 9, 2019


As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Psalm 55:16

Hi dear friends,

Today, I'm focusing on Psalm 55. David began this psalm with a lament about being in the midst of adversity. One of his friends had even betrayed him. Have you ever been betrayed by someone close to you? That feeling of betrayal can hurt so deep. Unfortunately, people are going to hurt us- even those that love us. And we may hurt those we love. But there's One who will never betray us. And David knew Him well. In verse 16, his lament turned into a statement of faith and trust that God would save and keep him. David was so confident in God; and we can be too.

That God of David is our God, Jesus, one and the same. Jesus is with us through every betrayal. Call on Him and He will be there. He doesn't hide from us. He wants a relationship with us. Isn't that amazing?? The Creator of the universe wants a relationship with us. Mind blown!! And, He doesn't want just a casual relationship, He wants a close, personal, whole body and mind relationship. Call on Him. He'll never fail you. 1-800-JESUS, the line's always open!

Page Details: I used the following Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps sets: Vintage Love, School Days Alpha, and Classy Script Alpha. The new Vintage Love set is great and has a lot of neat "hidden" gems. In the center of the phone dial are the numbers "53787." That would spell out "JESUS" if you dialed it on a phone! Neat, huh? The other images have phrases on them as well. I think it's just a sweet touch to the stamps. The set was designed by Confetti Creativo by Suzanne Corson. She has a coordinating printable at her etsy shop. Find it here. I colored the page with watercolor crayons.

Have a blessed week, dear ones! Andrea

Thursday, December 5, 2019

He is My Strength

Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

I would say most Christians have that one verse that becomes their mantra. Philippians 4:13 is mine. I an even remember this being "my verse" as far back as middle school! Those years when you feel super awkward in your own skin and surrounded by peer pressure at every turn, that verse gave me confidence. Now as a mother of three, I find my patience wearing so thin that I could snap sometimes. And then I'll recite "He who gives me strength", and I am reminded of how I just need to lean on Him when I am too weak.

"... I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11-13 

No matter what kind of situation we face in our lives, Jesus is ALWAYS strong when we are weak. He will always be stronger than we are. We have to stop trying to conquer everything on our own to only turn to him after throwing in the town. We have to admit the times when we are weak and seek him, lean on him for strength. I am so grateful to have a heavenly father that is so full of grace and strength for each of us! I know I need Him every single day. Even when I try to do it all myself, I still need Him! He is my strength for today and hope for tomorrow!

Stephanie Gammon

Sympathy Morning Glories

Armor of God

Faith Wordfetti