
Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Glorious inspiration for my page, Pleiades.

Hi guys, it's Deeds!
How are you today?  How's your Tuesday going? 
It's been so nice to have kids home from school.  They're a handful, but what a delightful handful they are, especially because they have grown a whole lot since they began their school year last fall.  So much on their minds!  So much to say!  Such vivid imaginations and input!
I'm enjoying it.  I'm enjoying hearing about their thoughts and concerns and knowing that they are home with me to share!
What about you?
What's your summer looking like? Are you excited about all the upcoming events?  Are you ready for them??
Want another challenge in the midst of your busy schedules and plans? 
It's actually not so bad, and in fact it's really fun.
All you need is the stamp set, "Set Apart," your Bible and an image of a constellation in the stars known as "Pleiades."  That's it! (Affiliate Link below)
QUICK FUN FACT: This star arrangement consists of 9 bright and shining stars each with individual names that are too hard for me to pronounce.  Additionally, it is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. (thank you, Google)
When I started this page, I was inspired by this simple mention of stars in the book of Job, chapter 38 and verse 31. 
"Can you direct the movement of the stars— binding the cluster of the Pleiades or loosening the cords of Orion?"
 I decided I needed a constellation in my Bible!!

As God reaches down here, to engage with humanity in this amazingly stunning conversation, we hear of ALL these wonders He's performed; all these feats and demonstrations of WHO HE IS brought to light, to bear witness of His greatness, His justice, His rightness, His bigness. 
"Can you?"  He asks.
"Did you?"  He inquires.
"Where were you?" Further still.

These are great and just questions.
God - Yahweh, self-existent, self-sufficient, Creator - is from the beginning.  He has always been.  He started it.  He created it, set it, established it, put it in motion, and keeps it going. 
Only God can.
Only God did.
Where were we?  We were but a twinkle in His eye, so to speak.  We were a piece of His plan, but a thought in His purpose as He strung collections of stars together, one by one. 
We call these particular constellations names like, "Orion," the "Little Dipper," "Cassiopeia," and so many more. 
God knows each, particular, single, solitary mass of a star by name!  Each one!
When we look up and see a vast gamut of brightness, glory, sizing and color, we draw near to a TINY piece of the glory of God.  We cannot fathom the power that actually exists in those burning orbs, nor can we imagine the mind of the Creator behind them. 
When God questions a sickly Job, His aim is not to ridicule or condemn.  Rather, this human is getting a firsthand lesson in science, and more importantly, a look at real power, real glory, and real mercy.  

We are but humans. 
We are but flesh.
We are finite.
We are fickle.
We are weak.
We are broken.
BUT GOD!  Yes, BUT GOD, reaches into our sad and sickly state to show us He's beyond what we see.  He's beyond what we're experiencing.  He is beyond our world, our galaxy, our universe!  AND, He's close.
God is close.
God is reachable.
God is unbeatable.
God is powerful.
God is merciful.
There's a sweet coupling in scripture - a beautiful duo that brings honor to our God, and hope to our kind:
God does everything for His glory, and
God does everything for our good.

I'm thankful that Job was written as an instructional aid to those of us who call ourselves human.  I'm thankful that I do not understand His power, and more thankful that I CAN understand His mercy. 
I've tasted and seen.  I've met this mercy face-to-face and been overwhelmed.
If ever you wonder if God is real, if God is near, if God loves you, just remember this one word: "Pleiades."

Much love,

Sweet N Sassy Stamps Affiliate Link:
IG: mercies_journaled
Youtube: Mercies Journaled

1 comment:

  1. Deeds, I love the creativity of this page - who would have thought to put a constellation in their Bible?? -- YOU!! :) It's breathtaking to think that the God who created each, individual star would care about me. I've never heard of this specific constellation before, but you better believe I will think of it now every time I look to the heavens, and I'll be reminded of God's glory and of His love for me. XO
