
Saturday, June 8, 2019

What are you asking for?

Hi friends,

Have you ever thought about what you would ask God for if he stood before you and asked you what you would like? I mean - if you could ask for anything, what would that be?

King Solomon had just this opportunity. In 2 Chronicles 1 God appears to Solomon and says to him, "Ask what I shall give you." This question really does reveal what is in our hearts doesn't it? Would we ask for money? Success? A relationship we have been longing for? Peace and security? Justice? I suspect that Solomon's answer is not one that would be quickly chosen today (or throughout history probably!). He asks for wisdom and knowledge to be able to lead the people over whom God had placed him as king.

God was so pleased with this request that he promised Solomon not only that his prayer would be answered, but that he would also be given riches, possessions and honour (the things he could have asked for but he chose wisdom and knowledge instead). You see, our priorities in prayer matter to God. He is willing and more than able to give us many things, but he wants our requests to reflect his heart. Solomon's request showed that he desired to lead people well and therefore to honour God. This prayer for wisdom and knowledge is one that we need to pray too. Our own understanding is so limited and is not sufficient for the tasks to which God has called us. The good news is that God loves this prayer and answers it extravagantly!

When I received the beautiful Stamp of the Month for June (Happy Irises) I decided to look up the meaning of the iris flower and found that it means royalty, wisdom, faith and hope. I thought this verse from 2 Chron 1:10 would be perfect to illustrate with these irises, so I stamped them and coloured with Inktense pencils. The text was stamped with the new Sweet & Simple Alpha.

I hope you are encouraged and challenged to consider what you are asking God for... Ask for wisdom and knowledge... and ask boldly!

x Amy x

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