
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

All-Present God

Hey guys, tis I, Deeds!
I'm very blessed to be writing on this platform today, and the stamp sets for this month have been so perfect for my study time!

I started Esther.  I have always had a special place in my heart for this book of the Bible.  Even as a child, not very aware of its importance and significance in the Holy Inspired Word of God, I loved the idea of "pauper turned princess!"  Always, always, always I love royalties and stories of banquets!
I loved hearing how someone of no consequence whatsoever was brought into the house of a King.  She was clothed in riches. Her hair would have been smelly with all sorts of flowery scents, and her gowns?  Oh, her gowns.  Flowing.  Slow-motion effect dresses that match the movement of her soft long curls in her hair.  Yup.  THAT Esther. 
I started Esther, as I said.  I love it now as I ever did, but now I see something very different in this book.  Something NOT of fairy tales.  Something NOT of gowns and flowing, magical hair.  I don't very much see Esther as the main focal point, nor do I see her as the featured character.  She's not the heroine, though I would certainly love for her to be.  Her place in this book is consequential, but it's NOT the most important. 
In fact, the real and true Hero goes unmentioned, un-adored, and unsung. 
He's the main Focus, though He does not speak.
He's the Centerpiece, though He seems absent and on the outskirts of all activity.

God is the focus.
God is the main.
God is ALWAYS the Hero.

Organizing, orchestrating, and manipulating events in real time, while working His glorious, timeless will.  He's pretty incredible, y'all, no doubt about it.

So, as I begin Esther, I'm reminded of a couple of things. 
Firstly, that Esther is what we would call a "means to an end."  She's definitely a person with real emotions and intellect, and I am not dismissing her; she has a place and purpose in the story of the Almighty.  When it is her time to come through for her people the Jews, she acts in bravery and security in her God.  I truly admire this young girl, precariously placed.  But, though the book bears her name, it's the loving and gracious action of God which placed her in a "royal position for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14). 

Secondly, GOD IS FAITHFUL.  All the time, He is "El Emunah."  From the very beginning of the book called, "Esther," we read detail after detail of a setup which landed all characters within a part in His plan; a plan that, hands down, could be among the top 3 of redemptive historical accounts!  It was not the first, and it certainly would not be the last event circling the salvation of the Jewish people.  And throughout scripture we are reminded of the power of God's covenant with His people; with the Jews, and also with Christians today.  He is ever-mindful of His purpose and plan for all things - good and evil - to work His good pleasure and bring glory to Himself. 

It definitely puts a different spin on any films about our friend, Esther, doesn't it? Precious girl, I'd like to meet her one day. 

With this in mind, I find the study of Esther even more beautiful than gorgeous gowns and silver goblets.  It's alluring simply because though God seems absent, He is completely and perfectly present.  From the dawn of this new queen that assumes her throne, to the shakedown of the villain (Haman), Yahweh, the covenant Lord of the Israelites is moving…working…acting.  What He has promised, He will do. 
Here's to the Lover and Keeper of our souls!
Everywhere present.
Always present.
El Emunah.

And on that note, happy studying! Much love,


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