
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Beautiful Change

Hey guys!
I'm thrilled about today.  I get to write about something that is often considered in a negative light: change.  Yes, change.  Particularly, and more importantly, change of our person; change of our heart. 
Being a Christian is not easy.  Well, it's not supposed to be. 
Christ died for our contentment; not comfort. 
Christ died to make us debt free; not problem free.

It's hard right?  This life?  Life is hard, and the "hard" we experience can lead us into a world of uncertainty, panic and confusion.  But in light of what the Bible says, we - I - should be ready to embrace the unexpected, unwanted, and unforeseen.  Because of our belief in God, we should ALWAYS be on the lookout to receive His way of making us new.

This, too, is difficult.  As much as we'd like to walk in freedom of trial and tribulation, affliction and heartache, Christ Himself tells us to walk in "newness of life," which implies hope, joy, new beginnings, fresh perspectives, and rightful desires!  It's amazing what a mind set on Jesus will think; what a heart devoted to Jesus can believe!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come."  2 Corinthians 5:17

I made a tip-in with this verse from the set, "Made New."  This set includes a beautifully lettered scripture and gorgeous, delicate butterfly images.  I LOVE butterfly images in my Bible.  There IS something so sweet about having these amazing creatures portrayed - especially when talking of newness of life.  Old stuff is gone; new stuff has come.  I think anyone would appreciate a overhaul like this! 
The metamorphosis of a butterfly is breath-taking, right.  It's like a magic trick!  We've all seen as the cocoon erupts with a different creature than went in.  And you talk about an overhaul!
A new life in Jesus is much more than magic, and goes beyond just the physical overhaul we see in nature; it is such a newness as God writes His beloved Son on your heart, placing His Spirit in your soul.  You're marked.  Marked with more than wings of color; you're marked with royalty, priesthood, heirship, and joy.  You're marked with Jesus!
This doesn't mean problems fade or disappear.  We are still in the world.  We are still living in a broken mess of humanity.  We are still attached to this thing we call the "flesh," which we battle on a daily basis.  BUT GOD knows us so intimately (as stated in Psalm 139), that He has graciously provided a way - THE WAY - to cope, handle, understand, fight, and deal with what comes our way.  

Will it be difficult?  Yes, we all agreed that life IS certainly a mess. 
Will it be doable?  Yes, may we all agree that "the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:7), as we engage this mess to the glory of God!
What a wonderful God!
What a beautiful change!

I am a new creature in the Beloved Son of God. 
I am a new person in my heart and soul.
I have new life with purpose, drive and impact.
I have new hope with security, peace and protection.
I am made new to bring glory to God.
I am made new to live Light before man.

I am new.
I am changed.
And that's beautiful.

Much love,

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