
Thursday, January 31, 2019

He Did it First


Hello friends!
We're right around the corner of one of the biggest and romantic holidays ever!  VALENTINE'S DAY!
I have to admit, this one may be my favorite of the holidays that don't necessarily focus on the Life of Jesus.  I love to think that it does though, because in a very real way, the very life and death of Jesus are the "heart and soul" behind our ability to love at all!

Did you know?
In the Bible it says that we are only able to love because God FIRST and FOREMOST loved us.  (Jn 4:19) 
In the beginning - the very beginning of humanity - He wrote His image on every person.  On every soul of mankind, there is "DNA" of a Master Creator, the One by whom we are loved.  This gives us unique access to a relationship with a Maker full and complete in truth and power.  The One that created the universe, spoke stars into sparkle, dug oceans into deep, also created me.  He created you.  So uniquely.  So wonderfully.  So intricately and purposefully.  (Psalm 139)

That was just the beginning.

The fall came.  The curse placed.  Man would still bear the image of God, God would still love His specially made creature.  But something happened that required immediate attention and exquisite care.  Not to mention, unfathomable Love.
As much as God shunned the evil that abounded, He even more passionately instituted the "Way" through which the curse would be lifted, and sin washed away.  Before Eve even thought to defy her loving Lord and Master, God Himself set into motion a plan that would save her, her husband and the rest of their children (us) from what we truly deserve.
In the stead of a curse, God, who is love (1 Jn. 4:7), condescended to the form of man in the person of Jesus the Messiah, and took all of that… all of the hell.  All of the wrath.  All of the punishment.  All of the separation.  This allowed for the guilty (us) to be blameless as He (Jesus).  What manner of love the Father has given us!  (1Jn 3:1) 
Does anyone love you like this? 
Do you love anyone like this?

Scripture says that no one loves as the Father has loved.  No one so high, mighty, lifted up, honored and adored by angels, has EVER lifted a finger to save mankind as this High and Holy God.  No one. 
This was done by One.  Only One could do it.  Jesus Christ is the lover of our souls.  He made possible the return to that sweet fellowship with God the Master.  The Great I AM is forever satisfied by this "once and for all" act of inexpressible love, that is, the death on the cross for me.  For you. 

The life and death of Jesus were both wondrous representations and expressions of the deepest, most unadulterated Love. Ever.  Forever. 

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life." That apostle John really knew his stuff! (John 3:16)

And so, now we are able to say, "I love you." 
I love you…

Stamps sets used: "His Love," "Texture Tile 1,"Teeny Alpha," and "Classy Script Alpha."
Other supplies: acrylic paint, pigment inkpad, watercolor.

Enjoy a small section of the amazing words to the beautiful (and one of my favorites) hymn below!

Oh the deep, deep love of Jesus
Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free
Rolling as a mighty ocean
In its fullness over me
Underneath me, all around me
Is the current of your love
Leading onward, leading homeward
To your glorious rest above!

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