
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Pray Big, Bold Prayers

Hello there!
It's Deeds, and I wanted to share something: a bit of my world, as movement, change and situations occur.  There's a lot I could say, but I have found that when God is working at the present time, all my mind can muster is, "God is good.  God is in control.  God is sovereign."
It's the mantra I'm living by currently.  I haven't found anything else that suffices for the hurt and dark that seems to be encroaching.   Nothing but these broad and core truths about God's character will act as my rock, my refuge and my strength. 
God IS good.
God IS in control.
God IS sovereign.

When we come to the broken and weakened parts of life, I think our initial reaction is, "Why, God?"  At least that was mine when faced with news so stunning, I had to fight hard to believe what was happening was actually happening. 
You probably know that feeling. 
That feeling of doubt.  Denial.  Surreal-ness and dreamlike feelings.  What can possibly weigh in as heavily as tangible fear?  Despair so close you can taste it?

I had a chat with the hubster a week ago regarding all the things that are in full swing, and let me tell you, I'm being swung!  He began to encourage me to truly engage my Creator.  He beckoned me to pray intentional prayers.  Big prayers.  Bold prayers.  Specific prayers.  His kind voice reminded me of a precious Heart that longs to hear my cries, feel my pain, and touch my needs.  And through shaking voice and wet face, I began praying that God would hear my cries!  The aid of the Holy Spirit guided my thoughts and emotions, channeling them toward the One who listens and can do something about it.

There's a certainty of the longing and desire that the Father has for communication with His children.  He is full of love, compassion, peace and mercy, and all we have to do is come.  Draw near.  Pray big.  Pray bold.  Strangely, prayer doesn't seem to hit the top of the to-do list in my Christian walk.  Give me bible studies, give me blogs to write, give me worship songs to sing!  But prayers?

Talking to the Lord?  Talking face-to-face, in a sense, with my God?  Building on the relationship with my Redeemer?  My best Friend??  Why not?  Why does it take a period of darkness to pray for Light?  Why do I wait for despair before I grasp for Hope?  Why  don't I learn that God wants to speak to me and with me in the good times and bad?

Friends, pray.  Pray big.  Pray bold.  Pray!  Just sit with your Master, lean on His shoulder, cry in His lap, and listen to His words.  I don't take advantage of that which Jesus my Christ purchased for me on the cross.  My salvation, yes!  Yes and amen!  But He also TORE THE VEIL that I may have CONSTANT, IMMEDIATE, FOREVER ACCESS to the Holy of Holies!  To the LORD of creation!  To the good, good Father!  I sing about it.  I read about it.  I study about it. 
It's time to pray…

Much love,

PS - I'm still working through the "ABC's of Christmas," by Hillary Krippaehne.  The letter 'I' is for "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day," and the prompt was to pray to God, asking for peace in a dark time.

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