
Friday, November 30, 2018

Snowman Family

Hi ya everyone! Christmas and snow is coming. What better time to pull out those adorable snowmen stamps and go crazy. The page I am sharing with you all is a page I have longed to do for a long time...a page dedicated to my children.

I used Sunshine girl alpha, and Teeny alpha to create the title at the top and the snowflakes from Crazy about snowmen as well as the adorable snowman couple. Once I stamped all I wanted I created a blue watercolor background so I could have my children put there little fingerprints in my bible with a little doodling I created little cartoon snowmen. I also added a sweet angel to remember my firstborn we lost too soon. With a few more tabs, stickers and washi the page was completed and my heart was full.

I Samuel 1:27 "For this child I prayed, and the Lord granted my petition I made him."

On this last day of November, a month focused on our blessings I thought what better way to close it out then to remember some of my biggest ones my children.
 Father, I am blown away when I sit and ponder the blessing of being a mother to my creative, beautiful, intelligent, unique children. Thank you for giving me glimpses into how you see them. Grant me the energy, patience and love I need to love them the best I can. Amen!

Thank you all for popping over! Don't forget about the sales going on over in the shop through today! As we continue into the busy holiday season continue to count your blessings and remember the true reason we celebrate!

Love and prayers,
Jenn @creativegurl85

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