
Friday, November 30, 2018

Snowman Family

Hi ya everyone! Christmas and snow is coming. What better time to pull out those adorable snowmen stamps and go crazy. The page I am sharing with you all is a page I have longed to do for a long time...a page dedicated to my children.

I used Sunshine girl alpha, and Teeny alpha to create the title at the top and the snowflakes from Crazy about snowmen as well as the adorable snowman couple. Once I stamped all I wanted I created a blue watercolor background so I could have my children put there little fingerprints in my bible with a little doodling I created little cartoon snowmen. I also added a sweet angel to remember my firstborn we lost too soon. With a few more tabs, stickers and washi the page was completed and my heart was full.

I Samuel 1:27 "For this child I prayed, and the Lord granted my petition I made him."

On this last day of November, a month focused on our blessings I thought what better way to close it out then to remember some of my biggest ones my children.
 Father, I am blown away when I sit and ponder the blessing of being a mother to my creative, beautiful, intelligent, unique children. Thank you for giving me glimpses into how you see them. Grant me the energy, patience and love I need to love them the best I can. Amen!

Thank you all for popping over! Don't forget about the sales going on over in the shop through today! As we continue into the busy holiday season continue to count your blessings and remember the true reason we celebrate!

Love and prayers,
Jenn @creativegurl85

Thursday, November 29, 2018

JOY: Jesus Overflowing in You

These things I have spoken to you,
that my joy may be in you,
and that your joy may be full.
John 15:11 

As Jesus nears the time of his crucifixionhe pulls his disciples close to him for some final instructions and words of comfort and encouragement.  He speaks about their relationship to him and the need for them to abide in him.  He warns them of the difficulties that lie ahead in identifying with him, because the world has shown its hatred of him already.  He already knows what will conquer evil and hate. His love will bring victory.  And as we abide in him and allow his love to spill out we too will be more than conquerors.  

I used the stamp, Joy to the Word, to create the acrostic Jesus overflowing in show the truth of this verse in John.  There is a direct link between Jesus's vine discourse and the antidote for evil and hate he discusses later.  

Design Detail:
I used gelatos more like watercolor paints to create this background.  I stamped the joy from the set, colored it with copic markers and cut it out to place it vertically on the margin.  Then I used the Teeny Alpha set for all the lettering.  The "t" from this set formed the small crosses on the page.  I also used the Texture Tiles set for the distressing on the page.  

Sets Used from Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps:

Joy to the World

Teeny Alpha

Texture Tiles 1

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Lord Is So Very Good

Give thanks to the Lord of hosts,
for the Lord is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!
Jeremiah 33:11

I recently reread the story of the 10 lepers healed by Jesus.  Leprosy was a slow, agonizing and ostracizing disease.  To be brought back from the brink of this torturous nightmare would have indeed been a miracle that demonstrated unfathomable power and obvious love.  Most lepers were shunned by their community and even their families.  To have been a leper, then to have been made clean would have been more than freeing, more than miraculous for the suffering one.  This miracle restored life in so many ways. Thus, we are incredulous to know that only one of the ten came back to Jesus to praise God and to thank his healer.   We just shake our heads and ask, "How could they not?"

Yet, look at all the blessings so many people receive today and take for granted or fail to give credit for the goodness in their lives.  Our God blesses even the unbeliever!  We wouldn't expect them to acknowledge God as the source of blessing.  But it is surprising to hear believers complain even when their lives compared to some are amazingly good. If my memory serves me correctly, I've been guilty myself!

I know God has been so very good to me.  Daily, I can see blessing after blessing, each as undeserved as the one before.  I experience joy in His presence and He showers me with His unfailing love.  I pray each day to see His gifts over the grit of life.  The best antidote to the growth of thankless callouses on our heart, is to run back to Him every day and praise God, thanking Him for all He has done for us.  May we never be like those 9 lepers that prioritized their perfunctory duties and headed to the priests first, instead of running back to Jesus who took the blight off their lives.

We can thank God every day for who He is, for His steadfast, unfailing love toward us.  He wouldn't have to do a thing for us and we'd still have reason enough to praise.  But that He showers us with blessing because of His great love...that is the great miracle. 

Design Details:
I had so much fun creating this background, especially the pattern in the margin.  I created my own color spray using a gelato and water and it turned out so well.  I love it more than so many of the sprays that stain so deeply and permeate the page.  I sprayed over a stencil.  I have this quick video for you to share my design process.

Sets Used:

Check out the video to see how I masked off the unwanted portion of one stamp. 

Monday, November 26, 2018

This time I will praise the Lord!

Hi friends,

There are so many fascinating stories in the Old Testament that show us how people lived out their faith in the God of Israel - many times in faltering and imperfect ways. One that I have read many times is the story of Jacob and his wives and sons, but the last time I read it there was a little part of the story that jumped out at me.

 You see, in the story of Jacob's wives, Leah was the one who felt second-best. She was the one Jacob didn't really want. She wasn't the pretty or popular one. So she felt inferior and thought the way she could overcome this was by bearing children for her husband. God had compassion on her and opened her womb and when she gave birth to her first child her response was 'now my husband will love me.' She conceived again and in naming her son once more referenced her husband's attitude toward her and God's provision in response. When she gave birth to a third son she said 'now this time my husband will be attached to me...' Each time she responded to a blessing from the Lord with a hope that this blessing would bring something else she desperately wanted. She didn't see and celebrate the blessing for what it was because she had her eyes on something other than God.

But then Leah conceived and gave birth to her fourth son, and this time her response was different: "this time I will praise the Lord." There was no reference to her husband or her desire for favour from him. She was simply grateful for God's blessing and responded in praise. This story made me reflect on how many times I miss opportunities for gratitude and praise, because I see God's blessing as a means to an end rather than seeing them as pure gifts from God that should be celebrated in their own right, with grateful praise. This story challenges me to make this time (right here, right now) the time when I praise the Lord - not next time, not when I get everything I want - THIS time!

I had so much fun on this page and it turned out as one of my favourites in a while. It started out as a hot mess, with fushia paint spread and stenciled on the page so it looked dark and ugly. I was going to leave it and resign it to the 'tried but failed' pages, but I decided to apply a thin layer of white paint of the fushia and see what happens. That lightened it so it looked a bit better, so I went on to add some gelatos in contrasting colours, blending them into the page with my fingers. I then splattered some white and gold paint over the top, with some musical washi tape and little torn strips of glittery washi tape to finish the background. The images and verse were stamped over the top using Women of Praise, Bitty Minnie Alpha and Rebecca Script Alpha.

Let's remember to be people who praise the Lord THIS time and every time he blesses us - without agenda or waiting until we have 'more' - He is worthy of our praise!

Every blessing...

x Amy x

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Hustle and Bustle

Whew! Thanksgiving has come and gone. I don't know about you, but I’m still blinking my eyes and trying to figure out where October went, let alone almost all of November.

The rest of the year, I’m sure will go by just as fast as we are all bustling about, to and fro, getting all the things done. But why do we hustle and bustle our way through the days? Why are we hurrying at all?

Not only are we bustling around, sometimes the grouchiness comes along for the ride. Okay, maybe not for you, but I have to intentionally choose or it creeps up on me.

We can’t stop the way the world presses in on us, but we sure can stop the way we react to all of it. We can prepare our hearts as we start each day, and that certainly helps set the tone for our response to the demands of this time of year.

I was reading the other day in 2 Corinthians chapter two where Paul tells us that God uses us to “diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” Hmmm. That made me think.

When I’m hustling and bustling, am I diffusing Christ...or something a lot less pleasing? When that one family member that gets on my last nerve, gets on my last nerve, how do I respond? Or do I react? What about that driver that cuts you off? Or the person who picks up the last item of the shelf at the store?

In those moments, I have a choice. I can be the fragrance of Christ and make His presence known, or I can act ugly.

For me, I’m much more likely to diffuse Christ when I’m in the Word and responding instead of reacting. As the hustle and bustle approaches, I encourage you to spend a little extra time with Him so that you’ll be a pleasant fragrance!

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.”
‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭2:14-15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Art behind the story:

Poinsettias and Pine are the perfect representation of Christmas fragrance, so I knew these Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps were perfect for this page. I used Christmas Pine to stamp the frame of branches and pine cones on the scrapbook paper. The words are stamped with Rebecca Script Alpha and Free Indeed. The Christmas Poinsettia flower and leaves were stamped on separate card stock. I used a loose watercolor on them, and then added inktense pencils for added depth. After fussy cutting the flowers and leaves, I adhered them to the background. For a pip comfort color, I stapled a piece of ribbon to the top of the page. Lastly, I adhered the page to the page in my interleaved Bible.

Editor’s note
: This is the page I started earlier this week (11/19/18) in the Facebook live on the Sweet ‘n Sassy Stamps page.

Friday, November 23, 2018

God's Word & His Purpose

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11

Dear Friends,

I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving! It's hard to believe that it's already the beginning of the Christmas season. I am so thankful for Jesus and His Word. I love these verses that tell us that God's Word does not return void. It will always fulfill the purposes He has for it. Our job is to share His Word. He'll do the rest! I am thankful for the word pictures the Bible often gives us. Here, we are given the picture of rain or snow and how it waters the earth so that plants can flourish. In the same way, God's Word waters our souls so that we can flourish. Yay, God!! 

For my page, I used the following Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps sets: Crazy About Snowmen, Bitty Minnie Alpha, Itty Bitty Blossoms, and Skinny Caps. I used watercolor crayons and a white brush pen to color. 

It's Black Friday, and Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps is having a great sale!! Don't miss out!

Have a blessed week! Andrea

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Living Water

The walls are closing in. You can’t see them. I pretend they aren’t there. I keep walking forward, knowing eventually I’ll escape. I cover my eyes and reach for whatever is near. Whatever will fill or distract me from this ache in my heart. This deep desire I have to live a godly life. To live intentionally. To love others better. To spend time with God. Like real, genuine, quiet communion with the God who saved me...

But instead I pick up my phone. Instead I watch Netflix. Instead I shop. Instead I do something, anything else than what I should. Then guess where I find myself? Guess why those walls are closing in???

Shocker... they are closing in because I let them. Because I didn’t fight for the time to dwell in His presence and drink in the Living Water. Because I chose the temporary distractions that seemed like momentary satisfaction... and I got lost...Again. 

And I’m dehydrated. I’m tired. I’m tired of the same old story. So tonight I go to Him. I go for a drink... of the Living Water that restores my soul. That gives me breathe. That gives me courage to follow Him. 

And only Jesus will satisfy. 

I started by sketching a heart on the page and then adding watercolor in layers. I used the script stamp from Texture Tiles 1 inside the heart. I used Grunge Elements 2 and Typewriter Background stamp to add texture. Then stamped the words with Mini Grunge and Skinny Minnie. 

Thanks for joining me on the blog today!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Hey guys!
It's Deeds, just LOVING the support I've seen in the Creative Worship Facebook page!  I have been amazed at the community of loving believers in this place, and I am so thankful to be a part of it!  Aren't you?? :D
It's the week of Thankfulness!  It's Turkey time!  It's gather and chatter 'bout whatever may matter time!  I just made that up ;D  What do YOU have planned for the holiday?  Family coming in to town?  Are YOU the family coming into town?  Are you a student going to a host family?  Are you the family that goes out to eat at a restaurant rather than cookin' the good ol' turkey and fillin's?
Wherever you are, whatever you do, whoever you find yourself with, thankfulness is not overrated. 
I'm learning a lot about it, and let me tell you, I need to fill my heart with that above the overabundance of a turkey dinner!
Today, I'm working out of Esther.  My home church has been studying through this book for the last few weeks, under the leadership of Pastor Kyle.  There's SO much (of course) that I did NOT realize about this book, and there's one thing that causes it to stand out as unique to all other books of the Bible: no mention of God - AT ALL. 
Stamps used inlcude Texture Tile 2, Just Say Jesus, Women of Praise, Sunshine Girl Alpha, and Outline Script Alpha
We come to know that though He be "absent," He is COMPLETELY and UTTERLY present!  Though His name is not mentioned, His attributes are clear.  Though His people the Jews neglect Him, His blessings are weighty.  Though He be ignored, He is ever working!

I LOVE this book!  I think it may be my favorite at this time.  The Holy Spirit has opened my eyes (and my heart) to just how divinely orchestrated the series of events truly are!  It's so amazing!  I'll share the link to the sermon series below so you will be sure to check it out!  WOAH!!

Week 5, we're leaning in on chapter 5 of Esther.  There's crazy talk all over the place.  I think it's interesting the relatable history in this whole story of Mordecai, Esther and Haman.  Haman gets the spotlight - a really dingy, horrible, no good spotlight.  He is TOTALLY human.  Totally insane.  Totally insecure. 
What you see in my entry is the phrase, "Thankful people understand grace."  Thankful people know their identity is not in their money, clothes, position, passion, or possessions.  Thankful people know that God is the giver of all things.  Thankful people know passionate humility, not insecure entitlement. 

This hit home.  I've found myself countless times on the end of entitlement - AAAHHHH, I HATE that word.  And to think that day after day, in some way or another I forget.  I forget to whom I owe my identity, my worship, my allegiance, my everything.  I forget to be thankful and in doing so, I forget about grace. 
The amazing grace of God. 
The grace that saved a wretch like me.
The grace that found me in my sin and shame and brought me into light and life!

Grace, grace.  God's grace.  Thank you God for grace.  Help me, Lord, to only be thankful!  To see myself rightly as a pauper that brings nothing to the table.  To see Jesus as the substance of my being. 
In His name, I pray,  Amen.

Much love,

PS - don't forget that this month is a special month full of discounts and deals on the Sweet 'n' Sassy website.  Below are the November releases and the link to the shop!  Happy Thankful November!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Joy in Your Presence

You make known to me the path of life;
    in your presence there is fullness of joy;
    at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11

I absolutely loved the movie, The Greatest Showman.  Everything about it was pure entertainment, especially the upbeat, positive message of the movie and the endearing music and lyrics.  Every musical piece stood alone as a stellar performance and each had its intrinsic meaning.  The song, Never Enough, was so powerful, though secular in its message.  It did make me think about how empty all the pursuits of this world really are and how our only joy and fulfillment come through our relationship to our heavenly Father.  Our trust and obedience to Christ is what gives our lives meaning.  Earthly relationships and aspirations don't even compare.  Though fictitious, the relationship between Barnum and Jenny Lind was electrifying.  Jenny is portrayed, especially through the song, as being so enraptured by the man in the wings that nothing in all the world would satisfy if she couldn't have Barnum.

When I encountered this verse in Psalm 16, I for some reason thought of the lyrics to the song.  It should be true of the believer's heart that nothing would satisfy like being in the presence of God.  I have often told my husband that I find enjoyment and satisfaction in just being with him.  We don't have to be doing anything special.  I just like to be in his presence.  I feel the same about my God, multiplied!  

When you glance at the verses above the passage, there is even more joy apparent in the psalmist's heart.  I could say exactly the same.  My Wonderful Counselor instructs my heart day and night and leads me in the path of real life.  I need never be shaken because I'm securely held in His might hand.  Look at verse 9 above.  "Therefore my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices..."  That is my heart's song when I dwell in the presence of the Lord.  

Truly...all things, all relationships in life will never fill me with the complete joy I find in God.  I LOVE my family, my husband, my children, my grandchildren.  I cannot imagine life without them.  But the joy I know in the presence of God surpasses it all...for I know that in Him and through Him, my family and I have life everlasting.  If I give over my heart completely to God, I will have the capacity for a deeper joy in all earthly relationship too!

Design Details:   I'm doing something a little different for my post today and I hope you enjoy it.  I'm embedding the process video for this page.  I created the background using gelatos.  I'll show you in the video how I did everything on this page.  And below that are the Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps products I used for the page.  The video explains other supplies used.  (I hope it works...I've never done this on a blog post before!)

Click on the arrow to begin.

3 pages of colored print and cut images, scripture prompts and my devotional study
Most of the color images and some images as outlines are included in the digital files of the bundle.

Friday, November 16, 2018

No Prob-Llama

Hey hey! I hope you all are enjoying all the birthday sales and festivities! This week we have 11% off all creative worship stamps and digital printables with code HAPPY11CWDP click HERE to go shop the sales. I am bringing you all a fun festive page in honor of our 11th birthday...

I used the Llama love set and sunshine girl alpha to stamp the imagery. I had lots of fun adding little details to the llamas, like hats, and blankets. These stamps are so fun and really allow you to run wild with your creativity. After stamping I simply used my watercolors to fill in and add color but colored pencils could work as well to give your llamas that festive touch.

Proverbs 12:25 "Anxiety in a mans heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad."

Don't worry about anything! Nothing is too big or insignificant for our Father. Pour out your heart and thank Him in advance for answering and fulfilling  your needs. Lift the burden of worry off your back and place it in our Father's hands. There is no prob-llama too big for Him!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you in the near future, I will be doing some Facebook lives on the Sweet n Sassy stamps facebook page today at 3pm central and on November 26th. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and on my personal page to stay up to date!

Love and prayers
Jenn @creativegurl85