
Monday, October 8, 2018

Behold The Lamb

Look to Him. Look at the Lamb. Behold the Lamb of God. Read more here...

“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
‭‭John‬ ‭1:29‬ ‭NIV‬

The thing about Christianity is I become less obsessed with me. Or I should. I don’t have to be anybody or impress anyone. I don’t have to measure up... because I know I’ll fail. I don’t have to explain or justify myself. I just have to confess it and be honest about who I am. And believe in who Jesus is and what happened in and by His life. It’s not about me feeling better or being better. It’s learning about who God is. Why He created us. Why He wants a relationship with us? How do we have a relationship with Him.  Is it important? Does it matter who we think Jesus is?  In that passage John is saying STOP. Stop everything. The Lamb of God is standing before you. The ONE who takes away the sins of this world. The ONE who will die on the cross for me. For my own failures. For my selfishness. For everything I’ve done and not done. For not living to bring Him glory. Stop and soak that in. We’ve heard it a thousand times. But He’s there in front of us. The Lamb who was and is slain. 

How do we miss Him? Or reject Him? Or ignore Him? He came so we could see Him. So we could see weakness as strength. To see humility and selflessness. To see honor and love. To see wisdom and guidance. Everything He did was perfect. Everything He was doing was bringing glory and honor to God. He lived and set an example. He died in love to set us free. He rose from the grave to give us life everlasting. He did it all for us to see. To believe. To live. 

BEHOLD THE LAMB. Look at Him. Look to Him. Let’s those words flow through you and change you. 

Art Talk
I used Distress Oxides for the background. Stamp sets used were Thrill of Hope, Worthy King, chunky Alpha. Rebecca Script.


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