
Friday, August 3, 2018

Llama Sits Down

“Tell everyone to sit down,” Jesus said.  
John 6:10a NLT

I'm not often a sit down type of person. I'm a problem solver, a figure it out and get it done now type of girl. I get it from my dad. It can be an incredible tool and resource... it can also be my downfall.

When I came across this verse in John, I thought about the why. Why did he ask people to sit? Was it necessary?  Was it to get our attention? Were they quiet and sitting? Or did they keep on talking to the others around them. How many noticed the baskets? Did they see the miracle? Did they see the baskets never running out? Or did they just care they were fed? Were they just focused on themselves? Did they miss everything?

The last few years God has called me to sit. To be still. To quiet my mind. To take more notice of Him and not everything going on around me. It's not been easy to sit. To not get up and do the things I do. To not problem solve or lead. It remind of Psalm 23,

He MAKES me lie down in Green Pastures. God is wanting to show me his faithfulness. His goodness. A place of freedom and rest. A place of comfort and renewal. To find His peace.

Friends I invite you today to sit down. Sit down and listen to the Lord, the King of Kings, the Great I Am.

I used Distress Oxides for the background. Then stamped with Llama Love and Chunky Lowercase Alpha. Happy Shopping.


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