
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Llama Llama Red Pajama...

Lamentations 3:25-26
"The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord."

Anyone struggle with patience??.... I know I do! With two little ones running around it is very often that I have to do my best to check my attitude and calm down. If you have young children, or even teenagers, I'm sure you know this feeling well too. On top of struggling myself, its hard to teach a child patience. Goodness gracious my 5 year old has ZERO patience most days, and her lake of patience with me results in draining my patience! Haha. But as Christians, we learn in so many different places in the bible where patience is really a very important trait to possess. It's definitely not an easy one to acquire sometimes, but it's a trait that you can really benefit from in certain situations. 

We can learn so much from those in the bible that displayed such faith in the Lord and were extremely patient! Our timing is not always God's timing, and we NEED to learn to be patient. One of the books I love to read with my kids is Llama Llama Red Pajama. Most parents are probably familiar with the book, but it's about a little llama getting ready for bed and he calls for his mama but she doesn't come right away, and the little llama starts to get impatient and yelling for his mama. 

My favorite page from the book is when the mom comes back to the little llamas room and says, "Baby llama what a tizzy, sometimes Mama's very busy! Please stop all this llama drama and be patient for your mama!" I have seen myself in that situation COUNTLESS times with my kids. When we get to that part of the book, we talk about how important it is to learn patience. I love when you can teach a child something from a book. But even as I try to teach my young children patience, I also give myself the reminder that we ALL really need to practice patience each day. Some days more than others, haha. 

Stephanie Gammon

Llama Love 

Sunshine Girl Alpha

Teeny Alpha 

Chunky Lowercase Alpha

Classy Script Alpha

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