
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sing With Joy

Reading through the Bible chronologically has really changed my perspective as I read the Psalms that David wrote. I’ve known for some time that each Psalm was written during certain periods of David’s life. Some during good times, and others not so good. They are a journal of sorts of David’s response to God during these periods in his life. It’s a great to read them alongside the history of what was occurring in the kingdom at the same time. 

Psalm 59 was written during a time when Saul was after David, and Saul had sent soldiers to David’s house to try to kill David.

Hmmm. Wonder what my reaction would’ve been? “Ahhhhh...I’m going to die! The end is near! God, where are you?” Is our first thought to react...or respond...when troubles come upon us?

Let’s take a look at David’s response. In verses nine and ten, David proclaims that God is his strength and that he would wait for God to rescue him! 

What was David thinking? He had soldiers at his house ready to kill him and instead of panicking, He instead says “God’s got need to worry!” (my paraphrase)

David goes on in the next few verses to tell about the enemy scavenging about at night and prowling the streets. I don’t know about you, but the night time is where I have a hard time turning off my head and worrying mind. It seems that during the quiet is when the enemy screams the loudest.

We have a choice. To listen to the enemy, or rest in the peace that only God can bring. Here, David made the choice to rest in the quiet hush of the Lord and to sing the Lord’s praises. 

Verse 16 tells us that David will sing of the Lord’s power and in the morning he will “sing for joy” of the Lord’s love...His unfailing love!!
He goes on to boldly say that the lord has been his refuge and his place of safety.

It wasn’t anything David did himself, or even his mighty men. It was God alone who was David’s refuge!!

I encourage you friends to let God be your strength and your refuge. You’ll be singing for joy about His unfailing love! 

“You are my strength; I wait for you to rescue me, for you, O God, are my fortress. In his unfailing love, my God will stand with me. He will let me look down in triumph on all my enemies.

But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭59:9-10, 16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

showing some of the added texture

Art behind the story:

For this mixed media entry, I used my interleaved Bible which has a blank page in between each page of text.  For the background, I started with a piece of printed scrapbook paper and added ephemera for decorations.  Using Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps sets, I stamped the words "Sing for Joy" with Sunshine Girl Alpha and  the Life In Jesus set.  To add more visual interest, I added some texture with the Texture Tiles 1 set.

Have a great time in Creative Worship as you spend time with the Lord stamping and creating in His Word!


Patio Ponderings

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