
Monday, July 2, 2018

Go God's Way

Happy Tuesday Readers! Can you believe it's already July?!?! How did that happen? But with the beginning of each new month we have fun new things to look forward to, a couple of which are new Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps and a devotional! Have you seen Diane Noble's new devotional for this month titled Go God's Way? Ugh so good and so fun! Too often we get so caught up in our plans and where we want to go that our vision gets clouded.

Proverbs 8:32-33  NCV
Now, my children, listen to me, 
because those who follow my ways are happy. 
Listen to my teaching, and you will be wise; 
do not ignore it. 

As you can see, God commands us to listen to him and follow his ways. A lot of those "ways" are found all throughout the Bible. Bits and pieces of his guidance and knowledge for us to use to live our lives in his ways to the best of our abilities. And other times, God will instruct us through very obvious acts or subtle whispers in our lives. I know there have been moments in my own life where I thought "Wow! Ok God, I totally get it. I couldn't possibly miss that sign!"Moments like that are so clear and easy to follow. 

But then there are the God whispers. They are really easy to miss when life is so fast and busy that you don't make the time for Him and you can't hear them. It's easy to miss those little soft whispers and instructions he sends us on occasion if we aren't in his word and following his ways. Sometimes, we hear the whispers but aren't sure how to follow him, or maybe we're scared, not sure of where it will lead us! In those moments we need to seek him and pray. Pray that he will give us the strength we need to follow him and his plan for us. And he will! He will give us the strength we ask for! We just need to seek him, pray, and be obedient in the answers we receive! My life has taken me several places I never originally planned to go, and some of them were scary and not what I personally wanted to do. But now, looking back, it made my life that much better! Following through on what I believe to be his plan for me, my life, and now my families, has shown me so many blessings that I am incredibly grateful for. I continue to pray that I will remain obedient to the things he asks of me.

Have a blessed week!
Stephanie Gammon

Go God's Way Printable Bundle

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