
Monday, July 23, 2018

Come, Lord!

Hey guys, it's Deeds! 
I'm glad that you're here, and I hope when you come to the Creative Worship Blog, you leave blessed and encouraged!!

This month's series of stamps released were absolutely AMAZING!  For this entry, I did a simple card swipe technique with acrylic paints.  I'm a sucker for a sweet background, and I'm a firm believer in the Texture Tile sets, of which there are 3!!  It's incredible what they can do to enhance the page! 
I'm using Tile set#3 for this entry, but I've used Texture Tiles since they first came out, and because I'm not great with making my own textures and variations, this fits the bill.  I hope you've been able to get some for yourself!
The July Release includes a sweet little alpha set called "Sunshine Girl," which contains the caps and lower case - IT'S SO FUN and INCREDIBLY VERSATILE!
Also featured is the stamp set called "Love Your Neighbor."  This came out a few months back, but I found it to be a perfect addition to the journaling. :D

In my usual studies through the She Reads Truth Bible, I'm sent to different scripture that align in their theme, truths, attributes of God, etc.  I was sent to Job the other day, as part of the assigned reading, and was hit in my soul…hard.

"For I know that my Redeemer lives and at the last He will stand upon the earth.  And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another.  My heart faints within me."  Job 19:25-27

Packed.  Loaded.  Fraught with dumbfounding truths. 
"I know... I know my Redeemer lives."  Who?  My Redeemer.  Jesus Christ.  But wait, was Job alive in the time of Christ?  Of course not!  But He knows that God is who He says He is, that He is who He claims to be, and throughout God's Word lies the ever-stumping revelation of a Savior that is to come.  Job has incurred much loss; loss of homestead, loss of family, loss of health, loss of quality of life as he understood only days prior to saying this! Yet he testifies of the presence of the All-powerful and Faithful God; his Redeemer.
The following statements are provided as tidbits of insight into the core of Job's beliefs.
His understanding of the afterlife amazes me, and he speaks of his flesh withering away, and yet it is his FLESH that will see God in the end.  WHAT?!  God is so nice.  He's so neat.  He's so precise as He explains through Job's testimonial that one day, THE DAY, he will see God face-to-face and be in full bodily dwelling.  Same as me!  Same as you if you're a believer!  

This is the struggle of Christians today.  We live lives of trials, tests, troubles and toils with the hopes of a life yet to come.  A life of perfection, beauty, completion and glory!
While the battle between reality and anticipation rages on, I'm pretty sure this is something that goes through our heads, much like it did Job's: "My heart faints within me!" 
But this understanding between now and the future is a healthy understanding to have as a believer in navigation of life.  WE'RE NOT MEANT FOR HERE, SO WE DESIRE THE HEREAFTER!
Job knew it, and we feel it now.  God has placed eternity into our hearts, Ecclesiastes says, and we have a yearning that will not stop until we have reached the "other side." 
Believer, we live to bring Jesus into the communities that surround us, and the spheres of influence in which the Lord has placed us.  We live to "hasten the day," which means bringing the gospel to light in areas where darkness dominates and evil persists.  We live to struggle with evil all around us and within us, hoping for the day that Jesus comes and TAKES US HOME!

To this, I say, "Amen," and to this, I say, "Come Lord Jesus, Come!" 
He wants to come take us to heaven - that place where resurrected bodies will behold God's glory!  And we WILL see Jesus as our King and timely Redeemer!  But for now, we must wait.  And wait we will.  Striving to bring lost and hopeless souls to a similar understanding of what Life truly is.  Life in Jesus, is life indeed.  Our hearts faint within us, but soon and very soon, we will go and see the king!
Come, Lord & Take Me Home!!

Much love,

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